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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Could easily be converted to an events hall.
  2. Just tack it on to the millions lost by them fucking us with the league position and delaying the takeover...
  3. Trump has come out to say its gone too far. But this is the guy who's called the Jan 6th insurrectionists patriots and uses their jail choir at his rally whilst saluting...
  4. My in laws, staunch Republicans (the actual definition of Republician rather than what it's become over the past few decades) fear Trump walks this. They're just as sick and tired of being asked to choose between shite options
  5. I'm trying to stay optimistic. The league are pushing us into bankruptcy. But I think any new owners will only buy with the stadium as part of the deal, allowing them to pay off all the stupid loans we've been lumped with using a remortgage and hopefully decent marketing opportunities. There's so much potential revenue with the stadium, we are still an attractive business venture in that regard so long as the league don't continue in their quest to destroy the club.
  6. Think Pickford, DCL, Onana and Braithwaite will go for £200m if we're lucky. Replacing Pickford and Braithwaite will eat 40% of that, the other 2 maybe mean 60% if we can convince anyone to actually join. But we still have assets we can command good fees for. If we can get a new owner who buys the stadium too, we can remortgage against it too. Just need to know which owner it will be and hope they have some common sense...
  7. Well we've started day 3 of our trip to Florida and are still stuck in Newark. Should get to Atlanta in about 5 hours then a 6 hour drive with the in-laws before we get to th3 destination. Been up 27hrs now and less than impressed. We'd been booked in a hotel overnight by United, who have been pretty good for the most part, but this hotel, which is 15 mins away by car, said it was going to take 45-50mins to get the shuttle sorted because we were a last minute booking they'd sent the driver home, which is fair enough. But when 1h15m passes and its 23h at night local time, we gave up and the girls have been sleeping on the floor whilst I keep an eye on the homeless and junkies wandering around the airport... Wonderful trip so far Cant do all nighters at 40, not built for it and with all the new medication (still nothing for the adhd), I'm a fucking zombie Oh, and I head back in 6 days... Edit: this is where we were supposed to stay, looks like we dodged a bullet (figuratively, although reading the reviews...) https://maps.app.goo.gl/QoHa329mB9e8qD75A
  8. People refusing to queue and instead think pushing past the person in front of them is normal. Ffs, this is the one thing we were still really good at too
  9. Not going to Disney but then again maybe I am since you can't ever be wrong Edit: oh and it's not alleged if he confirmed it happened. As for alpha males choosing targets to lambast and humiliate...
  10. So, hang on... You'll quote and use part of Dyches words to defend your "case" (being generous there) but you'll ignore the other bits which don't? Like where he's said there's nothing in it? To be honest, I'm shocked. It's so rare for you to selectively choose bits of information and you never exaggerate to try and emphasise your clearly correct point... Never seen you do it with the same sentence like, that's genuinely impressive. Imagine being so smug and desperate for misery in our club that you exaggerate to the point of misinformation because a Daily Fail "article" suggested the guy you've got your latest hard on for tried a prank that didn't go as expected. So desperate for it to be a big deal because you don't like the guy, when it just isn't, that you select part of a sentence and ignore the rest. Imagine being so absolutely determined to win a non-argument that you search for 10+ year old individual out of context posts as some kind of proof of your own superior agenda and then post them as if they actually carry weight in the modern day... I'm off to Florida, this should keep me chuckling for the 2 days of travel so thanks.
  11. So not only is he a bully, you've got him down as a sex pest too? Embarrassing indeed.
  12. Pretty sure they're all grown ups and it wouldve already been forgotten about if the media hadn't exaggerated it for clicks. Just a shame some people are desperate for the misery in our club to continue, so much so that believing an "article" of a (sometimes far) right wing rag as the absolute and only truth / source of truth even though its globally known for its lies and deception for money, is more important than common sense and actual real life statements...
  13. Wondering if 94 was still Premiership and not Premier League?
  14. Everton are on the longest winless run in the Premier League and failure to win at Bournemouth would mean equalling their record such run of 12 games from August to October 1994. So it's not the longest winless run? Or it is?
  15. Agree but the only way to learn is to give him a run. I'm still hoping this is all to develop him more behind the scenes.
  16. Wasn't what I was going for but absolutely.
  17. That's really intimidating! Poster boy of the ToffeeUltras?
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