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Everything posted by Matt

  1. A 15 year old singular post taken out of context?
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68625344
  3. Sorry, manic day and misread. Where's the personal attack?
  4. With the rules changing in the summer, it wouldn't be points next season right? That said, it would also let Chelsea and City off
  5. If someone talks to me about the world being flat, I will 100% ridicule them. The same with antivaxxers or any other conjob nutter. Everyone is absolutely entitled to an opinion. If there's no evidence to back it up though, you should expect to be challenged appropriately.
  6. Hopefully next to the giant cock they've got on their (Spurs) new roof.
  7. When there's absolutely nothing to talk about, all that remains is silence. Unless you're Palfy.
  8. Propaganda. He's a bully who never plays youth. Probably held him over a bridge to get the recording...
  9. When there's absolutely nothing to talk about, all that remains is silence.
  10. More likley because people are selfish idiots.
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68618029
  12. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/world-economic-forum_it-could-power-a-million-homes-while-protecting-activity-7176231067215876097-jK7V?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android My dream might be coming true!
  13. You should look at the Daily Mail Cancer fact checks too, it's disgusting.
  14. Getting a feeling you don't like him, Haf...
  15. Oh brilliant! Now to find a moment to breathe let alone watch a show
  16. There's 5 now?! I loved the first one
  17. Who ever believes the mail?!
  18. Would love it if it passed and was applied retrospectively to this season
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