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Priced and timed it up so many ways and times Craccer...alone, with Josh, train, car, coach and no matter which way I try to afford it or pay for it I can't :( .


Just tried again to see if the train fares have come down but they've gone up :angry: .


So bloody difficult to get to a game the price petrol is now, may have to look at joining "Westcountry Blues" next season. Much prefer to do my own thing if I can but it's getting silly....enjoy the game...and keep your fingers crossed for me that Bristol City get promotion, looks like Plymouth are going to come up short in the ply-offs though.


Not that you'd want a pint with me anyway :lol::lol: ! Dunno though, we could talk about Jeremy Kyle :D .

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if you wanna get the train to london, you're best booking over a month + in advance. i learnt that lesson, but now that i live here, it's a 2 min walk to the tube station, then i just have to get off at the right stops.


Lived ten years in Wimbledon from mid-eighties, few stops on the District Line :) . Not that I ever had need to go to Craven Cottage though, just got off at Fulham Broadway for Stamford Bridge.


Was in the days of total police control of away fans, so that after the game we'd be marched to the station and they'd not let me cross over to the other platform....used to have to go one stop towards the center, get off and go back the other way :D .

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