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holystove last won the day on June 3 2020

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About holystove

  • Birthday 21/06/1984

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  1. Update on this. My son 6: only had a fever for 1 night. No other complaints, thus far no lasting effects. They ended up testing 9 kids in his class, 6 came back positive! All the covid-positive kids in his class infected at least one of their parents. Schools are definitely one of the major ways this virus spread. Daughter 5: played and had close contact with my son but never developed any symptoms. Wife 34: got Covid as she works in the same area where the kids play. Runny nose, occasional headaches, but nothing too dramatic. Once we knew my son had covid, I self-isolated (am asthmatic). Working from home in an upstairs room away from everyone else, ridiculous amounts of alocohol gel and always wearing an FFP2 mask. Slept in the same bed with my wife without mask but with window slightly open. Never got covid, so don't despair if one of your family members gets it.
  2. My 6 year old just tested positive. He got tested because of a mild fever and runny nose. Won't be long before I get it too as I have been caring for him when I thought he only had a cold. As an asthmatic I am not looking forward to it.
  3. problem is 80% of republicans actually believe that.
  4. Sorry to harp on about this but I'm getting overly annoyed with the absurdity of brexit. This is the week we're supposed to land on a trade deal. The deal on the table is very minimal. Both sides will take a huge economic hit from this. Not to speak of the damage done to judicial, police, security cooperation. EU citizens lose the right to live and work in the UK; UK citizens lose the right to live and work in 27 EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Great stuff. Meanwhile, for quite a while now, polls keep indicating UK citizens overwhelmingly think Brexit was the wrong decision. (latest figures : 51% wrong 38% right - it's not even close .. https://whatukthinks.org/eu/questions/in-highsight-do-you-think-britain-was-right-or-wrong-to-vote-to-leave-the-eu/). I guarantee you the next ten years of UK-EU relations will be spend negotiating deals which will after 10 years amount to pretty much the same relationship the EU and UK had before Brexit. As logic and common sense demand you cooperate with your close and important neighbour. The futility of it all..
  5. Very good post. I edited it to take out the parts that specifically refer to the USA. If you read it now, it could be about pretty much every country in Europe too. The US is definitely not alone in this. Few countries, however, have had the misfortune of having the uninformed contrarian view get to a majority. Thank God the US, for one, took a little step back to sanity with the election of Biden.
  6. I used to like Jon Voight. What is happening to these people... So far, one case of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, ..by a Trump voter. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f91e43ec5b61c185f4848de/amp?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABcWcuMrOkJnxfdnX72me7EVdCvaWG7yJSOTVdfybH_zETSuZKW6B0b4hi2gSToTWExm0AdSJ5gBaeFTzq2bvsCAOCxOk9UOrIHGpRdDMcp25XT_LaVVhljPdHxLPDT2AoD5BO2NsNK8LdtBYj_8GBISO4bEOtnMyx4YjnEpDjNn
  7. Brexit happened earlier this year, it is done, the UK is a third country to the EU. The only thing that is ending on december 31st is the transition period, during which UK was still in the Single Market and Customs Union. The difference between no deal and the deal the UK wants is very small; in either case the disruption to trade and cooperation is going to be massive given the limited scope of the deal the UK is trying to get. (it is funny (tragic?) when you compare this to the promises made by Leave in 2016). Corona shock to the economy and brexit shock to the economy are very different. For an explainer, read this from a brexiteer advisor of May: 'There is a valid question as to whether the sheer breadth and depth of the economic harm caused by the pandemic means that the impact of Brexit will be largely irrelevant. Indeed, some have argued that given many economic sectors are having to overhaul the way they operate due to COVID-19, doing so for Brexit as well reduces the additional impact. But while there are elements of this argument which hold true, when you delve deeper, the reality is the two sets of economic impacts from Brexit and COVID-19 are more likely to compound each other than offset each other.' https://www.politico.eu/article/brexit-coronavirus-uk-recession-economy-there-is-no-hiding/ Brace for 2021..
  8. Biden just flipped Pennsylvania. Anxiety levels slightly going down.
  9. SNAP POLL: Was suspending Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour party the right or wrong decision?ALL BRITONSRight decision - 58%Wrong decision - 13%2019 LABOUR VOTERSRight decision - 41%Wrong decision - 26%https://t.co/AOjnWNsLzp https://t.co/WpXGniw2rk
  10. Could be a campaign move. When you're behind in the polls something like this could rally the public behind the leader in a surge of patriotic support. Johnson got a bump in popularity when he had Covid. If he does have it, I wish him a speedy recovery. Old and overweight he is right in the danger zone. I wish him a crushing defeat in November, not death.
  11. I don't really understand how the death of a supreme court judge is discribed as the beginning of the end of liberal values and civil liberties in the US. How fragile is the US constitutional system? Should an unelected member of the judiciary have such power as to be able to substantially influence policy regarding women's and marginalized communities' rights? In the UK, the European Court of Justice was often criticized for being a political court, but it's nothing in comparison to the US Supreme Court. Really strange to watch from this side of the pond.
  12. Is this still the brexit you voted for?
  13. Unprecedented. Unbelievable. How can you go back on a treaty signed less than a year ago.. I don't agree this is on brexit-voters... it is on a populist, irresponsible government whose big campaign slogan was the oven-ready deal. When the legality of the bill breaking international law will be challenged in court, the judiciary will be placed in a position where they once again will be labeled "enemies of the people" by right-wingers, further undermining the rule of law in the UK. It will get worse before it gets better..
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