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England On Football3s

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Just letting you know that the England vs Egypt match (live on ITV1) is featured on Football3s.


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It would be good to hear what you think to the game...

Edited by smif
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I've signed up.


Just so other members know, the confirmation email they sent went straight into the "junk mail" section on my Hotmail account.


Nice one Kohen, maybe see you on tonight's game. As you say the confirmation email in Hotmail does have a tendancy to go to the "junk mail" section.

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Nice one Kohen, maybe see you on tonight's game. As you say the confirmation email in Hotmail does have a tendancy to go to the "junk mail" section.


I'm not doing to well! When I pick a player, they get around ~3 then the next 10mins they get 10+ I'm just unlucky :P


Only thing I don't get is, because my game finished 5 mins before half time I couldn't start a new game- Now if there was a goal in those last few minutes, as there was, I'd have no chance to get the points and at a disadvantage to those who were still playing at that point.





I got better towards the end, finished 46th - could be worse :P

Edited by Kohen
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Ha, you do sound unlucky. 46th place is respectable(ish) though :P .


There is going to be a few changes to the game in the coming weeks and one of those is that you can play until the end of the half so we won't have that problem of being at a disadvantage.


Glad you pulled it together at the end!

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haha, your mate was one of two first time players who got in the top 10 last night. Pretty good going, soon he'll be taking on some of the Football3s veterans :P . You however have some work to do to catch up!


Heyyy! I came 27th ;)


Your avatar makes my page move really slow when I scroll!

Sorry :(


I'll change it as soon as I find something to swap it with!

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