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James Bond


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Think it's difficult to compare current with past Bond movies, the technology and consequently the effects are different planet. Who is Daniel Craig anyway..never heard of him before!


Can I just say that Roger Moore was crap...the only part of him that can act (piss poorly) is his eyebrow.

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Thought new bond was pretty good about a million times better than die another day and for me it was the best Bond since Goldeneye. I did rewatch Goldeneye the other day and it isn't as good as I remember so Casino Royale is probably better actually. Thought Craig was really good and the film is much better when they don't use loads of rubbish CG effects like in the last one that sh*t car and surfing a tsunami? Anyway this one was more violent darker and generally better than most of the recent Bond's only had two probs with it, the poker game went on a bit and the romancey bit at the end went on a bit too apart from that was great.

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Cant wait to see it especially after the comments on this topic .


Nice to hear that bond has gone a little darker and more violent , always thought that would make for a better Bond movie and i also hear he's a bit of a ba5tard in it , just as ian Fleming originally made him in the books .

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James bond is rubbish



I'd rather watch Roger Moore as Bond than listen to Oasis Ian. :D


Bond is a British institiution and as such must be admired and respected, but only the more recent one's from Dalton onwards IMO.


Taking the boys to this one if they can behave well for more than 5 minutes at a time. :angry:





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Did he play Paul Newman's Twisted son in 'Road to Perdition", wif the eeerie eyes ?.


If so he would deffo make a diff Bond. have they ruffed or nastied bond up a bit ?


Have heard that whena sked the stock standrad..Martini..Shaken or Stirred,,<he suppsoed replies ..Do I look like I give a dman..LOl.


Will have a look then critique.


P.s couldnt be worse than Brosnan. ( no probs wif Pierce in the roll, just felt the actual films suked the big 1.)

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Did he play Paul Newman's Twisted son in 'Road to Perdition", wif the eeerie eyes ?.


If so he would deffo make a diff Bond. have they ruffed or nastied bond up a bit ?


Have heard that whena sked the stock standrad..Martini..Shaken or Stirred,,<he suppsoed replies ..Do I look like I give a dman..LOl.


Will have a look then critique.


P.s couldnt be worse than Brosnan. ( no probs wif Pierce in the roll, just felt the actual films suked the big 1.)



the films he did bar die another day were ace. especially goldeneye. which is up there with the greatest bond films ever

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