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This Conference In Iran

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Wow, 2 be a fly on the wall in there.


2 be fair & if we believe ourselves to be democratic & free etc, then we cant really stop this event ( Non-event) can we?


It would stink of hypocrisy & give further fuel to those it suits.


However, we or I can still condem, disregard & view concern.


Guest Speakers inc..> The Former Gramdmaster flash of the KKK, some weally way out self hating jesuits & lots of, well extremists may be polite, Oh & of course the Event will be Chaired by Reg Reagan.


I just hope we have sum 1 on the inside just to get the jist of what these crazy fukers are on about.


A good place to drop a bomb? ( all them extremists in 1 place)


Still who am I to deny them the right to discuss whatever topic they want.?


Catch 22 this one & the leaders of the West must act with great aplomb, or they could un-knowingly be further stoking the fires of discntent & hypocrisy amongst our many detractors, of whom many are as dumbed down & culturally, politcaly & socaily duped like the rest of us.


Will be keeping a close eye on the revelations & or fall out that may transpire from this very touchy International stick poke.


alls i know is that fayes going on a christmas night out with all her college mates and theres an iranian guy going, i dunno whether thats any relevance to the topic though :o


Would be preferable really to ignore the whole thing. Giving it the oxygen of publicity supposes there is some level at which it should be taken seriously, condemning it does the same. Take no notice I say, let them have their little rant to each other and then put them back in a box with the flat earth society, Diana conspiracy theorists, Daily Express readers and people who think Elvis works down their chip shop!

Sadly though there are some people there who carry great weight in their particular sphere of bigotry, so it's not easy to ignore...tough one.


I know this is going to be really unpopular but hey here goes


I dont see the problem of them discussing this issue, we in the west demand free speech but not when its challenging our beliefs and traditions, which to me is very hypocritical. Let them say what they want as long as we can say what we want in return, us in the west are held to account everytime we mention religion or race I say get rid of all this political correctness nonsense cause the only people suffering is us. The extremists will still say their views whether theyre allowed or not I dont think the Iranian President is going to think oh I might offend some granny in Poland is he???? Let them get on with it theyre not trying to influence our views so I see no problem

Don't think that'll be at all unpopular Claire. Couldn't agree more, let them talk all they want. Just take no notice!


Ive just been called a racist anti-semitic on another forum for saying that

Ive just been called a racist anti-semitic on another forum for saying that


My wife's Jewish and her mother is a German who just escaped as a small girl. Don't really think that makes my opinion any more relevant...just thought I'd point it out. Tell them to fuck off Claire :D !


a point about this one sided racism thing.


if i went into barlays bank with a balaclava on. i would be either arrested for attempted robbery or asked to leave. however if a muslim women went in with a full veil on she/he can get on with it.


i can be the first person to say im offended by veils. its anti social and i do feel intimidated when these people walk past me. for all i know it could be a terroist.

I know this is going to be really unpopular but hey here goes


I dont see the problem of them discussing this issue, we in the west demand free speech but not when its challenging our beliefs and traditions, which to me is very hypocritical. Let them say what they want as long as we can say what we want in return, us in the west are held to account everytime we mention religion or race I say get rid of all this political correctness nonsense cause the only people suffering is us. The extremists will still say their views whether theyre allowed or not I dont think the Iranian President is going to think oh I might offend some granny in Poland is he???? Let them get on with it theyre not trying to influence our views so I see no problem




We created our own situation by turning into a nation of pussys, Britain didnt get the Great infront of it by rolling over and letting everyone walk all over us but we have become (at government level) a nation that allows any individual to dictate how we should run our country.


heres a point i worked out. the only people in this country who dont have freedom of speech are..............................


white, hetrosexual, christian males between the ages of 16-40.


say anything about women- done for harrasment

say anything about a black/indian/chinese etc- done for racism

say anything about a persons religion - done for racism

say anything wrong about old people- done for harrasment and agism

say anything against gays- done for homophobia.


sickening as i fall under one of these catagories



Hit the nail on the head there bluenose!


is the nail rusty though?

are you callin me a rust nail head though?

are you callin me names coz im ginger though?

are you sayin my mum shagged the milk man though?

you sayin im adopted coz my mum and dad havent got ginger hair though?

heres a point i worked out. the only people in this country who dont have freedom of speech are..............................


white, hetrosexual, christian males between the ages of 16-40.


say anything about women- done for harrasment

say anything about a black/indian/chinese etc- done for racism

say anything about a persons religion - done for racism

say anything wrong about old people- done for harrasment and agism

say anything against gays- done for homophobia.


sickening as i fall under one of these catagories


so how old are you really then alex? ;)

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