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Tv License Will Be £150 In 2012.


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Disgusting isn't it? I very really watch BBC.


I think that there should be a choice if you want to have BBC or not, if there was a device similar to a freeview box with a card needed to watch the BBC that cost £150 for the year. Then no buggar would buy it, it's a shame that it's enforced onto us all. Sooner or later BBC should either do the above or introduce adverts.

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I know its a complete joke.


I also very rarely watch the BBC as I find most of the shows they do very tedious. They do have some good ones though such as Mock the Week and that. But it certainly aint worth £150 quid a year. Also the radio annoys me. Spent the whole of summer listening to Radio 1 from 8-6 five days a week. And each show plays the same songs and talk for way too long. Ended up hearing 6 different songs about 10 times a day. Bloody ridiculous, no effort going into it what so ever.

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And they wanted more too! But I am going to play devils advocate for the purposes of discussion here...


I have to say though that the BBC News Service, whether it be internet, television or radio is quality. They make the best documentaries and usually have the latest comedy...and at least they don't make Big Brother. Sky, which although you have the option with, costs me in the region of £50 a month, the movies take forever to get on there, many of the channels are pure dross, there are more repeats on the Sky package channels it is impossible to ever get to watch new stuff, and, well, the only thing it has going for it is the Sport channels.


The BBC is also a 'British Institution' to many, and I think we should be protecting it when national values are falling apart everywhere else. However, I don't see the problem with a little advertising, if nothing else, just to keep the rate capped?







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Advertising is slowly creeping into Aunty over here- ABC a pseudo Sister mirror of BBC basically.


Seems to have made the station more viable nolicense fee here.


Though the Govt they say takes 7 cents a week of us all in tax to fund it.


I can live with that.


Ive always beena history, geography, biography buff, so over the years the Beeb had been a great source personally.


And agree with Above that the multi medium news service's the BBC provide is pretty bloody good.


( Have got breaking news & scores from sports in Australia results etc on the BBC before being published anywhere down under even etc)


I think we will always need a public broadcaster even in the remote hope of some balance.


State Tv in Australia is great -> as in there is no agenda & the ABc boot the govt's & political parties that pay there wages everday on air, via radio, in print or on the web. ( As they should).

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lmao...incidentally, just a query, if you have a new Jaguar, with the TV built into the dashboard, do you have to have a licence then too...or would my house licence cover it. If not, I will have to stop watching BBC1 and BBC2 when stuck in a traffic jam in my dad's Jag! lol



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lmao...incidentally, just a query, if you have a new Jaguar, with the TV built into the dashboard, do you have to have a licence then too...or would my house licence cover it. If not, I will have to stop watching BBC1 and BBC2 when stuck in a traffic jam in my dad's Jag! lol




rich fucker. wish i could afford a tele let alone one in a jag

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