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How Old Do You Have To Be...


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...to work behind a bar. I'm 16 and my Maths teacher works behind a bar and she said there's 16 year olds that she works with who are allowed to serve drinks. When I've asked most people would I be able to work in a pub, they said I could but only collecting glasses. Does anybody know how old you have to actually be to serve drinks?

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Yup yup, its 18 to serve alcohol.


I was in Tesco's, Allerton Road, recently buying a couple of bottles of Vodka. Got to the checkout and the girl behind the counter pressed the button which calls the supervisor over. When I asked why, she said that she was underage and the sale needed to be supervised by a person of age. She was not even allowed to take the money from my hand, the supervisor did.


Eitherway, got pissed that night! lmao.



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Yeah 18, when I worked in the 'spoons in Macs town there was a glass collecter who was 17. He weren't allowed to serve on the bar due to being underage. When he turned 18 he was still too scared to work behind the bar so stayed a glass collector for some strange reason.


If your serving and your under 18 then obviously the landlord don't give a crap, like most places. Personnally I don't care if there 16 or 18, if they can pour my pint they're old enough for me :)

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...to work behind a bar. I'm 16 and my Maths teacher works behind a bar and she said there's 16 year olds that she works with who are allowed to serve drinks. When I've asked most people would I be able to work in a pub, they said I could but only collecting glasses. Does anybody know how old you have to actually be to serve drinks?


Did you just join to ask that?

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Gerbophillia - Gerbilling, Gerbal Stuffing...Apparently common




Richard Gere has allegedly been accused of as I repeat allegedly being a Gerbophilliac...Allegedly that is of course by alleged external sources.


Richard Gere and the gerbil


The rumor that started all this fuss goes something like this:


Several years ago, "they" say, Richard Gere was admitted into the emergency room of a Los Angeles hospital with foreign object lodged in his............



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