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Posts posted by Don'tGoAbel

  1. Ah there your are


    of course Gascoigne was having one of his 'humor moments', before he degenerated back into his social problems and his playing days finally ended, but Yes, it's something I remember also.


    There was a good team camararderie about the time (2001/02) with some decent players to be truthful, but Smith was the weak link for most.


    And here it is - 'Don't Go Abel'



    I honestly think it was Abels departure that sent him loopy!

  2. Does the Abel refer to Xavier by any chance.


    I remember an incident with Gascoigne before he left at a training session and was pleading with Xavier not to leave. Didn't quite realize it straight away.


    Thats the reference alright! One of my favourite all time moments as an Everton fan!!

  3. Hello all.


    First time i've joined a forum of any kind so what better subject matter than the Mighty Everton!


    Actually that's not totally true. For a brief period between 2001 and 2002 i was involved in the maintenance of a forum set up for disgruntled NHS employees. It was extremely busy!


    Anyway moving on. I'm a lifelong Blue and, up until recently when my soul became the property of The Man, a season ticket holder. I have recently settled down so naturally i'm looking for some like minded people to talk to!


    Let's get it on,


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