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Posts posted by glam_everton

  1. Hello Toffees, Swansea City fan in peace


    Please could you take 5 minutes to have a crack at my questionnaire regarding Discrimination in sport, and more specifically the role of the 'sporting arena'. I'm doing a study on why it is that people are more likely to display a discriminatory/negative attitude when in the 'sporting arena', as opposed to other parts of society.


    Alternatively you can use the questionnaire to generate a discussion in this thread, but ethically I'm required to inform you that I may use some of it as data in my findings.


    Don't be put off by the blank boxes, a few thoughts in each is all I need! All the best for the rest of the season as well, best team we've played in the prem this season IMO. Dismantled us! Many thanks!



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