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Posts posted by gazebo

  1. If we beat Sunderland and get to the Semi will we qualify for Europe.


    My thinking is that Liverpool have already qualified, Tottenham (hopefully they beat Bolton) and Chelsea are virtually there.


    Normally the runners up get the extra Euro spot if the winners have already qualified but, not sure what will happen if all the semi finalists (apart from us) have already qualified.


    Or would the extra place go to the next highest in the league (again, could be us if we finish strongly), or the runner up in carling cup (but they never usually get a qualification place.


    Anyone know how this works?

  2. Squad players maybe but never a player who would be seen as in the starting 11


    Squad players, by the way, that we actually really needed. We had such a small squad in the first place. It was criminal to let nyone go until we had a replacement (better replaement).


    If we had kept hold of Cars, Johnson and McFadden (particularly Cars) then in my view we would still be in the UEFA and probably slightly better off in the league. Not as bothered about the mickeymouse cup, but lets face it, we would take anything at the moment.

  3. Cheers. Thanks for the info. That's what I feared. Hopefully we can keepour players fit for that long and get Saha fit and playing cos I don't think we will get through to that stage as easily as wedid last season. We just don't seem to have a lot of confidence at the moment.


    Hopefully though our new signings will come good and we can very quickly get our injured midfielders back in action.

  4. I've seen a few different reports claiming that Fellaini will miss the games against Leige.


    However, I also saw a report saying that he would also not be elligable until January.


    Does anyone know the rules around this? I hope h only misses the Leige game and we scrape through.


    Good news on Cahill. He made the difference btween us being a very good side in the first half of last season and a below average side in the second half (Granted...Arteta was playing injured for most of that time too)


    Hpefully we can start to really motor now. COYB.

  5. Why is it that a crap team like City can attract that sort of investmnt to make them the richest club in the country.


    WTF is BK doing. He is completely incompetant. Get someone else in now who can afford to take us where we want to be.


    e.i. Chmpions league every year.


    Unless it happens ten we will stuggle to even make the UEFA every now and again.

  6. Lets face it, Everton have once again made it appear as thought we will sign a few really top notch players to keep the fans off their backs.


    The fact is hat Everton (as usual) never had any intention of signing these players and probably have deliberately put in unrealistic bids or wage offers to players so that the signings would fail.


    I would really like to know who is behind the customary summer signings sham that goes on at Everton.


    Every year I fall for it. Every year my hopes go sky high and are always dashed. I really feel as though this year more than any of the previous recent seasons we needed to make the next step towards CL. Too many well funded teams are on our backs. Tottenham, City, West Ham, Villa. All with better pots of cash than us. We will be lucky to get into the top half of the table at this rate.


    I guess in some ways we seem to do better with less money. Moysey can always find a bargain where no-one else can see the potential.


    I really hope that Moutinhio signs but won't hold my breath. So many decent players have chaged hands this summer and I just can't understand why we have not been in for them.


    Would be good to get aGodison insider onto this forum to spill the beans a bit.



    PS I hope we stay at Goodison. Reasons:


    1. I love the place. To me...Goodison IS Everton

    2. Who do you think future scouse fans will support in 50 years time. RS...that's who!! It's not about who will support them today.

    3. We would be able to afford even less players if we move there and would never fill that stadium

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