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Posts posted by Danish_Reg

  1. Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has taunted Liverpool by claiming it is his club who continue to make history in the English game.


    The Reds have sent the Blues crashing out of the UEFA Champions League at the semi-final stage twice in the last three seasons and their supporters taunt the west Londoners by insisting the Stamford Bridge outfit have no real history.



    But while the Portuguese boss accepts they cannot compete with the Anfield club's heritage on the European stage, he continues to drive the point home about the Merseysiders inability to win the English title in the last 17 years and added that Chelsea made their mark in English folklore by winning the first FA Cup at the new Wembley.



    Mourinho told the club's official magazine: "Liverpool fans can continue to chant 'no history' at us but we continue to make it.



    "They have no history, we have history. They are a club with no history in Europe and in England that Chelsea does have, and our history is magnificent, but I think for 17 years they don't win one championship and we won two in the last three years.



    "Of the 12 pieces of silverware in English football in the last three years, Chelsea won six, Liverpool two, Manchester United two and Arsenal two, so we won the same number of pieces of silverware that the other three clubs won all together. So I think we are going in the right direction

  2. Hello Reginald! How's my favourite mutiple personality disorder victim getting on? Been a long time since we've had the benefit of your carefully thought out, incisively worded and not at all racist or inflammatory contributions. We've missed you :wink2: .


    sorry mate mistaken identity me think :wink2:


    but its alright to be back here and i see a lot of changes on here as well the last time i was on.


    now is that the same reg you guys had on here before?

  3. Works great in Rugby L.


    Though I feel that game is more in a natural lineage with the short interuptions than ours would.


    Still, a debate that will continue as technologies further advance again etc.


    you think so? ive been watching the tri nations on sky and thus far they have been nothing but a dismal failure. and i heard that a lebanese team in the aussie comp were cheated from the video ref. is that true?

  4. i had no idea you were a rugby league mongo but you reading your posts here and on leagueunlimited, it seems you sound alot like that guy reg reagan. and here are the posts that proves it.








  5. Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher has let rip at the Socceroos, saying Australians should stick to sports they're better at.


    The keen soccer fan saw the Socceroos play at the World Cup in Germany this year and says he wasn't impressed.


    Gallagher, renowned for his controversial outbursts, said he did not have a great deal of respect for Australians playing soccer.


    "Stick to the Aussie Rules and the tennis and the cricket and the rugby, you are good at that," he told AAP from the United Kingdom.


    "Football is the game of the intelligentsia and you are **** at it.


    "You will never win anything so give it up."


    The 39-year-old is a keen follower of his hometown club Manchester City and was the unofficial mascot of Italian World Cup striker Alessandro Del Piero.


    It was the Italians that dumped the Socceroos out of the World Cup under controversial circumstances, thanks to a hotly disputed last-minute penalty.


    "What do they call them, the Socceroos?"


    "Do me a f---ing favour, you could come up with a better nickname than that."


    Gallagher says he has a particular dislike for Socceroos midfielder Tim Cahill, who plays for Liverpool club Everton.


    "I don't know, there is something about him. I would love to kick him right in the bollocks."


    Cahill scored two goals for the Socceroos in the World Cup match against Japan and was widely considered one of the country's best players of the tournament.


    "He has just got one of those faces," said Gallagher, whose brother Liam is also in Oasis.


    "Don't you find his face really slapable? I can assure you, lots of people in England do."


    Oasis toured Australia last December and next month release a "best of" album, titled Stop the Clocks.


    The album features a selection of what Gallagher considers the band's best work, including tracks such as Wonderwall and Morning Glory.


    Despite his outburst, Gallagher said he liked visiting Australia and that he was "gagging" to get over for the Ashes cricket series.


    "The last time was just brilliant so the sooner the better for me," he said.



  6. A NEW energy drink that crashed parties in the US last week is called Cocaine, and its makers are billing it as "the legal alternative" to the drug.


    The drink's maker maintains that "doing Cocaine", the beverage that is, gives a bigger and better high without the crash other energy drinks cause.


    They say a high hits within five minutes, followed by a caffeine boost 15 minutes later. The ride lasts five hours and the concoction is "350 per cent stronger than Red Bull", they claim.


    They argue the effect is part chemical - the drink uses "simple" sugars that don't need to be broken down by the body to create a sugar buzz, and a much larger dose of vitamin B12 - and part psychological.


    "When a person sees the name of the drink, some psychological effect happens and the person is already experiencing the energy buzz before they even open the can," speculates Cocaine inventor Jamey Kirby, whose company, Redux Beverages, is based in Las Vegas.


    "I can think of no other product except real cocaine that could have that effect on the public."


    Taste-testers say the drink hits hard. "It does give you a little rush," one sipper said.


    Another hated the feeling the drink gave her. "I don't like the tingly feeling in my chest. I feel my heart racing and I'm not being paranoid . . . I feel looped."


    Kirby said an ingredient was added to slightly numb the throat to add an oral sensation much like cocaine does.


    The company is marketing the drink to partygoers.


    The Sun

  7. Watching the Chelski v RS game today, I was gobsmacked at the lack of noise. Drogba, bless him, tried to gee the Chelski mob up and the noise didn't seem to raise by one decibel. One of our players does that and the roof is almost lifted off Goodison, same again at Old Trafford later on, 75,500 and it sounded like 30,000.


    These two clubs should be screaming their lungs out, and yet there was very little in the way of vocal support for such big games.


    Opinions anyone?, or am I talking bollocks (again).







    it was quite loud early on yesterday but it died down as the game went on.


    still chelsea were singing and yu cant here the voice of the liverpool supporters there

  8. And it led to my attention:




    Like seriously, those who dont score against a 10men team and the amount of possession they have ate, surely they can AT LEAST score bloody goal but that never happened as we all have suspected, Liverpool are real shit.


    I dont understand the Michael Ballack sending off, even though he stepped on momo's knee which is okay in my opinion that ballack should have not been sent off but siisoko should have got sent off for diving after ballack stepped on his knee


    and once again mike riley has worked in favour of the shits throughout the whole game, and it looks like liverpool are destined for the coca cola championship in 08 the way how they are going.


    From where i was sitting, shevchenko looked very quiet and only had a sniff of the ball once or twice.


    And as for didier drogba, credt where its due, That was a fantastic goal, i dont know how did it but was one of the best goals i have seen for a while.

  9. The funny thing for me is above or below Liverpoo it doesnt realy matter we are improving and growing as a club, a team and our manager looks like he is learning too.


    As for the shite the spend all that cash an look the same if not worse than last season and all the heart / passion seems to be draining out the team with only stevie laaaa looking like he's actually proud to pull on the shirt. I bet deep down he wishes he was STILL waring the blue shirt when he looks at the pride and passion in our club (a club by the way which doesnt need to win silvewear to keep its fans and players interested)!



    which blue shirt are you referring to? us or chevs?

  10. It's a real shame Danish. Reg was last on here on the morning on 27th of July...curiously enough the very day you registered(! :o !), so you just missed him :rolleyes: . Just one of those unhappy coincidences I suppose...sure you'd have got on well together, you have so much in common ;)   :lol: !!



    coincidence is it?

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