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Posts posted by Fella

  1. Re Licker's question:


    If the monthly € 90 k figure is right, my guess would be that Fellaini will earn in one month over what he'd have earned in Belgium in one year. The highest earner in the Belgian 1st division (Mbark Boussoufa from Anderlecht) is believed to earn in the region of € 200,000 k per season. We just can't compete wallet-wise. A different thing on the pitch and on the night, though.


    Boussoufa earns a lot more than 200.000€ per season. You're completely underestimating salaries in Belgium, at least for the top players. Most top players earn something between 600.000€ and 1.200.000€ per year.


    PS last night I told you that Fellaini had signed, most of you were very sceptical. Does this mean that you'll pay my trip to Goodison Park? B)

  2. All articles say the same (16m€/5y).


    I don't know if he's ready for the premier league yet. He still has a lot to learn, hopefully he'll get some time to adjust (probably not ;) ).


    I wouldn't have paid 16m€, that's the highest amount in the history of Belgian football (I think). I don't think he's worth it yet, he might be in a couple of years though if he keeps improving the way he has been the last couple of years.

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