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macc fan

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Posts posted by macc fan

  1. Could be off due to frozen pitch!!!





    Posted on Thursday 01 Jan 2009 20:05:00


    The upcoming FA Cup Third Round game at home to Everton this Saturday is under serious threat after the recent cold snap has left the Moss Rose surface looking more like an ice rink.


    Event Solutions, a local company from Holmes Chapel, had offered to supply the club specialist heating equipment to ensure the game would go ahead as planned. Unfortunately for the club all the custom-made pitch covers used in these situations were in use at Deepdale, The Valley and Sandown racecourse.


    The ground staff had devised an idea in which marquee tarpaulins could be used but after consultation with the experts it was decided that it simply would not be feasable due to the massive area which needs to be covered.



    Volunteers continue to put the hours in to ensure the game will take place


    Further work on the pitch is planned for tomorrow but with temperatures set to hit -3 tonight it's definitely not looking good. That said though MTFC Chairman Mike Rance was quick to thank the hard working supporters who managed to give up so much time both yesterday and today.


    "Once again we would like to thank these fans for their dedication in braving the cold on New Year's Day to come along and help us out. It's disappointing that we were unable to really get any work done on the pitch." said Mike. "But it was certainly heartening to see so many people so keen to get involved in helping out. I hope they all know how much we appreciate their support."


    Be sure stay logged into MaccFans.co.uk to keep upto pace with the latest developments regarding the state of the pitch.

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