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Posts posted by navyblue

  1. I have just ordered my ticket today, I collect it on Sunday from Wembley. Here's the score. In the past, Club Wembley members were only allowed to give their tickets away, or sell them to other Club Wembley members. However..........Wembley have now made it possible for members of the public to buy unwanted/spare tickets.


    Here's the catch....It costs £50 to register for the year, you can then buy tickets for various events, and the tickets aren't cheap. Mine was £200, and that was the cheapest. (though you get a free programme HAHA)


    If you go to https://mywembley.wembleystadium.com You can register there. Like I say, it costs £50 for the year, but i've even seen tickets to the final on there already. (£400)


    It is totally legit, run by Wembley themselves (you can use your FA FAN number to register) and is the only way to get a guaranteed legit ticket this late in the day.


    As far as I know, the last day to buy tickets from here is Today (Thurs) I had to ring Wembley, and then email in a request for them to ring me back! Bizarre I know but I got my ticket. Normally you can see what tickets are available once you log in, after you register. I know you can't see them now cos they have stopped selling them online, so it would be worth ringing to check if there are any left before registering!


    Anyway, it is expensive I know, just another example of the FA making a killing out of the public, but I didn't fancy taking my chances on the day and ending up with a fake ticket.


    Hope this is helpful to some of you.

  2. In case anyone is interested, I mailed the people in the earlier link before I realised they were sold out. I then got a mail last night saying they could still sort me out with tickets. I've responded but not heard anything yet. Worth a try if anyone is interested.



    Can you PM me the contact details mate? I emailed them myself the other day but I haven't heard anything yet. Was wondering if they would sell on the day if I end up not getting a ticket



    I was tempted by the post about spare tickets, but it turns out that this is a scam from a long running scammer.


    I've been in contact with Erocsevil, I was having problems posting last night, so I asked Louis to forward my details on to him. He came back this morning with an email to me asking to ring him after 11.30 The number he gave is 07729 901208, and his email address was Vauxhall2@live.co.uk.

    Just google either the address, or the mobile number, and you will find out some very interesting things. It appears he has been scamming people up and down the country for at least the past year. Excuse the link to a RS website, but have a look here




    He Goes by the name Chris Howard, but it seems his real name is Amrik Gill. According to the forum in the link, he was arrested last year, but let off with a caution, and told to pay people back. The daft sod keeps using the same fone number and email addresses, so it's not hard to find him out, even if he does now say he is in Cardiff.

    I will be very interested to hear what he has got to say for himself when i ring him, but he's got no chance of getting any money off me!


    Please do not deal with anybody who uses these email addys, mobile number, or names. It is not just here he is trying it on, he is on many other fansites, aswell as Craigslist and gumtree etc etc.





    On the other hand...If anyone has got GENUINE spares, please PM me, i'm going to Wembley on Sunday regardless as I work in London with the Navy, but i'd much rather have a ticket before I go! (i'll be checking my PM's even on Sunday morning!)


    Cheers all.





    I've been in contact with this guy, I was having problems posting last night, so I asked Louis to forward my details on to him. He came back this morning with an email to me asking to ring him after 11.30 The number he gave is 07729 901208, and his email address was Vauxhall2@live.co.uk. Just google either the address, or the mobile number, and you will find out some very interesting things. It appears he has been scamming people up and down the country for at least the past year. Excuse the link to a RS website, but have a look here




    He Goes by the name Chris Howard, but it seems his real name is Amrik Gill. According to the forum in the link, he was arrested last year, but let off with a caution, and told to pay people back. The daft sod keeps using the same fone number and email addresses, so it's not hard to find him out, even if he does now say he is in Cardiff.

    I will be very interested to hear what he has got to say for himself when i ring him, but he's got no chance of getting any money off me!


    I will put a seperate warning post up about this guy, so that nobody gets ripped off.



    On the other hand...If anyone has got GENUINE spares, please PM me, i'm going to Wembley on Sunday regardless as I work in London with the Navy, but i'd much rather have a ticket before I go!


    Cheers all.

  5. Hehe efctaxi!

    Well if we get to the stage where theres a second Wembley date (Like sometime in May :) ) I will gladly sell my salty old soul to the devil for one of those tickets....Actually, I might just do that for a ticket to the semi's too!!

  6. Hi everyone,

    New member here, (though i've been coming to the site for over 3 years...just never got round to registering!) As you might guess from the name, i'm in the Royal Navy. As you can imagine, it can be hard to get to matches when your ship is in the middle of the sea! But I do try to get to at least a few matches a season. However, i've just been posted to London for the next year, so hopefully I will get to a few more. Now i'm going to be cheeky! I know all the controversy that rages over sit at home fans looking to get tickets for big matches, but it's like this....The last time I got to go to a decent amount of matches was in 94/95 before I joined up. I queued for about 13 hours to get tickets for the Final that year, only to get to get halfway down Bullens Road and they sold out...Gutted. So I have never seen the Blues at wembley. I know it's a big ask but if anybody isn't going, and is able to offer me a spare, I would be the happiest sailor in the world!! I have already had an offer from a family friend, but he is on a concessionary (OAP) season ticket, and I know he can only get a concessionary ticket to the semi. (I'm getting on, but I don't look 65...yet!) Anyway, feel free to hurl abuse, but friendly comments would be better :)

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