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FA Watch

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Posts posted by FA Watch

  1. Howard didn't get a red card though, because the ref missed it or didn't think it was one. If the FA decide to re-ref the game then that's where the inconsistencies are, they seem to pick and choose which games to re-ref.


    Thanks for your replies lads, I'll put Toffee Talk. On the fawatch site so stray Toffees can find this site, for all things Evertonian.

  2. Hope you don’t mind this being posted on your forum.

    I am a member of FA Watch, a new campaign group recently set up to monitor some of the stranger decisions of the Football Association – it is an organisation open to fans of all Premier League clubs.


    FA Watch represents football fans of all English Premier League clubs who are worried that the Football Association (FA) as an organisation are either unable or unwilling to police the laws of the game in a fair, objective and consistent manner.


    FA Watch is committed to highlighting specific examples of such perceived bias where clubs and players do not appear to have been treated by the FA in a fair and objective manner. This will be solely in relation to incidents of violent conduct and goal celebrations where referees and subsequently the FA’s own Regulatory Commission have dealt with incidents inconsistent with what would normally be expected.


    FA Watch will monitor games in the Premier League from now on and invite the Football Association to take action in appropriate cases where it seems the authorities may be reluctant to act. The campaign will hopefully over time collect evidence that will either prove or disprove the notion that the Big 4 clubs are treated in a way different to other Premier League clubs. In the meantime FA Watch has written to the Secretary to the Regulatory Commission drawing their attention to incidents.


    We have invited their comments, which will be published in due course at: http://www.fawatch.org/forum/


    Remember the sites purpose is to represent every club in the league, but FA Watch is most importantly dependent on your support, so hopefully with this in mind as many of you as possible will come over from time to time to see how we're doing. Just click on the link and register your support for the campaign.




    Thank you.

    From THE FA Watch team.

  3. Hi, Hope you don't mind but I was unable to find the site Admin so posted in here, please get in touch if its in the wrong place.


    I am a member of FA Watch, a new campaign group recently set up to monitor some of the stranger decisions of the Football Association – it is an organisation open to fans of all Premier League clubs. I have been asked to write to owners and/or moderators of football fan sites for these clubs.


    May I take this opportunity to thank you in advance for any continued support you may be able to give to this campaign. Also, at this point could I ask if it is at all possible to make the thread into a sticky on your forum please? I fully understand if you do not feel this is possible, however, if you could it would help the campaign immensely.


    You can contact me via this link should you have any questions:



    Once again, thank you for any assistance you may be able to give.



    Fan Co-ordinator

    FA Watch.

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