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Posts posted by dean2win

  1. Given how lucky the redshite are it wouldnt suprise me if portsmouth went into liquidation an be granted a wind-up order. This would then mean that all points took and lost from portsmouth this season would be eradicated and since the redshite failed to beat portsmouth they would find themselves once again in the top 4.


    Everton who managed to beat portsmouth would ultimately lose 3 points????





    Is it just me or do liverpool always seem to find a way into the champions league? bending rules or sheer luck it always happens they always have to be in on the party and if there not in europe then noone else is allowed either (heysel). Normally i wouldnt mention a disaster but when you have liverpool fans holding up a banner saying "Steau bucharest 1986" it seems they are proud of what happened, and openly mocking everton fans (whom the majority will feel everton would and should have won the european cup instead of steau bucharest)


    Look at 2005 for example, liverpool granted permission into the CL and finished 5th???? Now fair enough they won the cup and it seems fair enough that they should defend it. But this was not the rule and still isnt, if you fail to finish in the correct position domestically then you fail to qualify for the CL simple. so why were rules bent for liverpool???


    Also suggestions of a CL playoff? why havent they done this since the top 4 became apparent???? and why has it only been considered more recently when the top 4 looks like it may finally be dismantled (in liverpools misfortune hahahaha)? Probabally because its feared liverpool wont make the top 4 the normal way and cant qualify for europe by winning the CL (already used that lifeline) so there only hope is through a playoff which they will probabally cock up and find yet another way into the CL.


    IMO the truth is liverpool need the money more-so than everton, we have chipped away season after season slow and steady. The thought of liverpool not being in europe and getting the revenue which they have became reliant on has made them panic and instead of qualifying on the field the spawny/lucky kopites will always find a way into the champions league.


    so without digging up the past and going on too much I will end on a high note


    Kopites are gobshites


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