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Footballaid Man

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Posts posted by Footballaid Man

  1. Hi Toffees!


    I am writing on behalf of Football Aid, a charity that raises funds for worthy causes by allowing fans to live their dreams and play on the hallowed turf of their heroes for free. We have a game at Goodison park coming up, and need to raise awareness to generate as much interest as possible. Could we have permission to post the following article on the main forum?


    Site looks great, thanks,


    The Football Aid team.


    Bid to Play at Goodison Park


    Everton have once again joined forces with Football Aid, allowing football fans the opportunity to play on the hallowed turf of Goodison Park in 2011, while raising vital funds for charity at the same time.


    Football Aid offers fans the opportunity to Live the Dream of an authentic match day experience; to gain exclusive access to the pitch and tunnel areas, pull on their own personalised club shirt in the official changing rooms, walk down the tunnel to the sound of a cheering crowd and ultimately to step out onto their Field of Dreams and represent their club in a never to be forgotten 90 minute match.


    The matches have also been supported by a host of former players down the years, with Pat Nevin, Anders Limpar, Stuart Barlow and Matt Jackson all lending their valuable experience to the games by playing alongside supporters.


    Getting involved couldn’t be easier, our bidding period has just begun so just visit www.footballaid.com, select Everton and your position, then place your bid – it really is that simple. And with starting bids for positions at just £170, booking a position could turn out to be the best bargain you’ll ever bag!


    So if you're keen to secure your place on your Field of Dreams early why not visit www.footballaid.com. Alternatively if you’d like any additional information, you can call Football Aid on 0131 220 5999 or email info@footballaid.com.


    Football Aid celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2010 and have allowed over 12,000 football fans the chance to Live the Dream in more than 420 matches. We are a groundbreaking organisation which generates funds annually by hosting charity football matches at iconic stadiums all over the UK. The unique concept was the brainchild of businessman and Football Aid Chairman Craig Paterson and funds raised from the event will benefit the work of a charitable project nominated by the club, as well as projects nominated by Football Aid’s parent charity Field of Dreams. Everton FC’s nominated charity is Everton in the Community.

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