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Sue LFC/Gov for EU ban

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Posts posted by Sue LFC/Gov for EU ban

  1. Hi Rubecula - thanks for welcome - I only recently discovered this site - another blue mentioned it to me - I thought it was good but when I started looking at the transfer rumours page I thought it was a bit of a pain having to click thru to page 4 or whatever and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to see what someone else had just posted about some player or other - and the first post you read on page one is something someone posted about 2 years ago so no longer relevant.

    So I made what I thought might be a helpful suggestion (in line with many other websites) and got a bucket of dung chucked on my head for my trouble! some people even think just posting the word 'No' is somehow a reasoned response to what could be a helpful suggestion - but hey I only just arrived so I suppose manners might say you take what you're given.

    Obviously some people prefer to spend 20 seconds searching for the latest piece of gossip which often turns out to be just a one-liner joke or whatever but I thought a lot of people might prefer to see the latest post quickly.


    I still think my username is reasonable - and it wasn't meant to be unfriendly or inflammatory - just a valid point. :)

  2. Hi Toffeetalk - love the site - but at the risk of sounding like a johnny come lately - do you think it would be good to have the latest comments on a thread showing on the top of page one, rather than bottom of last page, where you have to turn pages and scroll down to see it?





    Sue LFC for Heysel Ban! (we'd have been the Manu of the 90s)

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