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Posts posted by TrueBlue

  1. Another reason why kids don't play football nowadays is that they are trying to grow up too fast.


    When I was young the only thing you thought about was football, we played every minute after school. Even on the bowling green at night (there was a motorway liight next to it which was perfect) but we also played in a street next to ours, we used cars and a curb as posts. The cars would get smacked but you never heard one of the people moan, often one of the young dads wanted his little kid to play with us. We always agreed (and in fact last I heard he was at Macclesfield, good little defender for his size and age) but the only time we didn't play was when we had a 'tea' break.


    The street corners we used to play on, even the park which we still play on everynow and then are not full of teenagers playing football but a drinking and smoking culture have ruined many of them. We weren't that interested in girls until around 16 now they are interested in them at 12, nowadays kids of 15/16 go out to clubs, at that age we never, we'd play football all friday night.


    Also, I noticed this at university. Don't want to blow my own trumphant but as a big group of lads which played footy whenever and wherever (led to good arguements as some played for rival teams on Sunday) we all turned out pretty good. In fact there was only one who was crap, but when I was at uni the football team were crap, few good players so it was obvious that what we when younger thought was the norm and everyone was playing footy 24/7 like us. They weren't, because they had no where to play or there wasn't enough of them. Just goes to show how lucky I was and some of you lot too.

  2. Yeah they normally do need the original box, just because if they fix it they can re-sell it on their shelves (although they do say it is a fixed faulty product and its normally cheaper). When I worked in a Currys once in Leeds, only for a few months though, but the amount of people who bring stuff back and claim its broke is staggering. Most of the time they are genuine but one guy claimed that his new ipod wouldn't work. There was one of the corners with a little dent, probably caused by dropping it, but luckily for him I was in a good mood (and the fact there was a fault with most ipods) so I just exchanged it and he was happy. But a lot of people drop them and claim it suddenly stopped working.


    The best thing tho, as I was in the customer service department testing (basically pluggin it in a socket and if it doesn't work pack it up for the engineer, easiest job of my life) all the 'broken' equipment, when I had to work on the floor selling things I never worked on commission so I'd be truthful as hell, even telling a bloke he could probably get a £1499 laptop cheaper in Comet which was a 2 min walk from where we were.

  3. Not exactly the same but a few years back I was in Middlesbrough and got accused of stealing in the Comet there. I got stopped just before leaving the place and they asked me to go in a room at the back. I made a big commotion sayin they stopped me because of the scouse accent, shouted at them but all that got me was for the police to come a little quicker.


    Anyway, after about 30 mins of them searchin me the manager reluctantly agreed to let me go, he wanted the police to search my car sayin I must have put it in there even though I didn't leave the shop. The police walked me out of the shop as if I was guilty (loads of people watchin me) led me to my car and as I was about to leave I thought what the hell am I doin so went back in and demanded an apology from the manager who accused me. He was still adamant that I stole something so wouldn't apologise. Still not got one to this date even after numerous letters of complaints.

  4. A players agent rang up a english club (can't remeber which) and claimed to be a brother (or some relative) of a famous African player and that he had an amazin talent. Anyway this club signed him up only on his first game it became obvious that it was a complete lie and that the player was poo.


    Now not much information there, thats because I can't remember anythin other than the backbone of the story and its annoyin the hell out of me.


    Can anyone remember this and if so, any details please? :blink:

  5. Outside me local last night on me phone when all of a sudden there was a mass brawl between around 20 lads.


    The bouncers managed to throw the 'trouble starters' out and one guy took a beating, bloody everywhere and what I overheard a bust nose.


    Now with not goin into too much detail, basically he was sat down just chattin when some lad, for no apparent reason comes over and conks him on his nose. Not a Christmas surprise he wanted no doubt.


    Anyway, point of the story is the Police are outside, the police woman goes to the fella with the bust nose, "merry christmas" in a light hearted tone. Now I'm sorry but that isn't the thing I would have said, no guessin that one of his mates weren't too pleased. He argues with her people skills and then she warns them to forget it and says that she is only tryin to get attention away from whats happened. One of his mates answers classicly "what? like hes gonna forget havin a broken nose?". Anyway, another of his mates says, "yeah, and a happy new year" (mimin a knee to the nuts) She then gets way too agressive and orders them to "drop it".


    Now is it just me or do police women have a chip on their shoulder? I've had a few "disagreements" with police woman over my time but I think that incident summed it all up, Police have no commonsense.


    Now I'm not slaggin off all police, a couple of mates are part of the bill but why do some suffer from power trips. Sorry about this pointless thread but would like to know everyone elses stories about police.

  6. What he did couldn't really be called journalism...


    "Traynor refused and publicly requested that the media respect her family's privacy with regard to the funeral. ITN and all other British media outlets did indeed respect Mrs Traynor's wishes with the exception of The Sun. Kelvin MacKenzie sent photographers to the funeral who clambered over a wall at the cemetery and took numerous photographs of the family laying the two boys to rest before eventually being chased away."

  7. ...but you'd have to talk and act like an idiot local yokel and be functionally illiterate to work for them safely...


    Aren't most journalists like that :P


    No problem hijacking the thread mate, tbh I never expected much really, just looks like I'll have to work further afield, like I did last year at Bolton Evening News (was very boring). :D


    About it being a good career, but thanks anyway.


    Good luck in finding a new home though :)

  8. Alright fellas,


    Hate to do this but I would appreciate some help please.


    The problem is that I'm currently in my 2nd year of a Sports Journalism degree and in January I have my work placement. I've tried a few news papers around but everyone keeps saying that they have no vancancies. So I was just wondering I don't suppose that anyone here knows any places I can do 3-4 weeks work experience. Any numbers and contacts would be really appreciated.


    I also understand this is a long shot and cheeky but I need to sort something out soon.




  9. I didn't say I was glad he got injured. I said I wasn't going to feel sorry for someone on £18,000 a week with their feet up becuase they have a minor injury.  I am glad Valente is in his place becuase for me he is a better player.



    Just because he is being payed 18,000 doesn't mean that hes gutted. Hes not had the best of times with injury and with big Scotland games coming up I'm sure hes wishing he never went in for that challenge.


    It was a brave challenge and even though I think Valente is a better player I still feel sorry for the guy. If any of us lot played for Everton and got injured just think how disappointed we'd feel.

  10. It's not nice that some players serve a club for most of their career then get dumped on a free transfer but that's football. If a player can't play at the desired level they shouldn't be in the team. Naysmith isn't good enough, while hes on the pitch he gets 100% support but thats as far as it goes. He earns around eighteen grand a week, am I supposed to feel sorry for him cos hes got to sit out for a few weeks with his feet up?



    They're have been a lot of players not good enough for us the past few seasons but talk like that makes us seem like some of the people on BlueKipper. You miss the point though, I think its wrong to be 'happy' a player has got injured when playing for Everton just because hes not good enough.

  11. I'd agree with Lickers ratings and was impressed with Hughes and can remember not knowing what foot he was cos he was kickin well with both, was made some good interceptions.


    It made me laugh to read that the posh manager moaned about the ref saying he gave us all the decisions, was he watching the same game as everyone else? Where I was it looked like everytime Victor and their number 3 jumped it was the def who got the foul and it was the same player who should have been booked for a horrible challenge on Arteta as soon as he came on...


    Think they'll be another suicide kid in the posh, some poor girl walked past a lot of our lads at half time (i never joined in) and they all started chantin "you fat bastard" now thats just nasty.


    Highlight of the night though, is getting me picture taken with Chris 'absolute legend' Kammy.

  12. I figured 20 mins before kick off was prob just a tad to late veesaveee subscribing to Everton telly so listened to the comm vcia Columbus MLS site.


    Feurk me, the bloke sounded like a Dalek..Exterminate, exterminate..& the feedback & static wille nsure I subscribe well before kick off in the future.


    Some phrases I did manage to decipher, were Assist, Overtime, Long Soccered? ( Long pass maybe?), Time out, Gillian ? ( Joeleon? - maybe ask Mulder) Defensive quarter & my favourite the End Zone


    Uno In a way Im sorta Glad the Yanks arent right in to our game ( No offense USa absed Blues o'course)




    LOL, I love those yanks tryin to do some real football commentry, I used to watch a few games on channel 5 a while back and some of the terms are well funny. Offensive play (as in attacking), his planting foot slipped (i say standing foot, not sure about other peeps), all of em great but the best was when theres a stadium announcement when someone gets a yellow card..."the referee has just issued a yellow card"

  13. Room 101...


    Agree with most things on here already, (espec cloc's, central lane only club) even though the left lane is perfectly free.


    Also dickhead drivers, ie on the motorway I was travellin at 80 and in the middle lane, overtakin about 3 trucks in a row. A wanker comes right up behind me wavin his arms about...yes he could have overtaken me but didn't and carried on wavin his arms about. Eventually he got past me only to brake harshly as everyone was slowin down. Not only that he had "Babe in the Car" thingy in the back window.


    Another thing that annoys me is people who say they are 'random'. two things, wtf does that mean and just by saying that means they aren't random...


    Another is finding a job, its so hard to get a job to pass the summer holidays by. I'm actually looking forward to going back to uni :o Anyone know where any jobs are goin?.. :)

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