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Posts posted by smeghead1

  1. Yeah Gaz im cacking myself alreadt, glad to see Bent and Ferguson up fgront not to sure about Killa at left back tho!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Everyone sing along:-

    Where all gonna sink a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine

  2. BTW not a fan o Beattie in person, met him in Marbella in May this year, looked like he got dressed in the dark :P


    I think a lot of them are like that i saw Diouf out in town wearing his white wife beater (string vest) and what made it worse was the fact it was bloody freezing aswell :P as for Cisse's dress sense well its nearly as bad as Pistone's!!

  3. Sorry lads i was meant to post this the other day but doesn't everyone think that having "the best" referee in the world in charge tonight go in our favour!!!


    Im sure that their f#ckin joke of a goalkeeper will be up to allsorts of pathetic acting anytime we have a player in their box, lets hope he lives up to his billing!! :P

  4. Heard nothing about this one Stev0 mate hope its true though ive heard he plays better on the left than the right so we could put a bit of pressure on Killa to start performing!!


    If we do get VDM and also Ferrari our left hand side looks a hell of a lot stronger than it does at present :P

  5. Thats why im surprised that your letting Baros go, would've thought that Morientes would be the one to make way, that said benesthus must see something in the lad mustn't he!!


    I think that Crouch will be a regular for you this year playing alongside either of the other 2 thats the only way i can see it working for you to be honest!

  6. Good luck tonight lads, be good to see two teams from merseyside in the group stages. Starting to show everyone that the city of Liverpool is the footballig mecca of the modern world :P


    Thanks mate nice to see someone who can take aswell as give it!! I think that last nites performance by the rs was awful, Sofia tore them apart down the wings a few times and i think it also showed that while Sissoko is a good player he isn't in the class of their other 2 midfielders!!


    Not to sure hoe the rs season will pan out as their forwards are at the minute crap!! Cisse has pace bags and bags of it but his finishing rates alongside Bents, and Morientes jesus how did this guy win 2 European medals?? The best player on show for them last nite was Risse, give credit where its due he was class!

  7. Problem with these sides are, they do next to nothing for the majority of the game, we however will probably go right for there throats, but they demoralise teams by knicking cheap goals on the break, i see this happening tomorrow sadly.


    I know another team that did exactly the same thing last Sunday :rolleyes:

  8. “The negotiations with Everton were run by a bunch of amateurs,” snapped Ferrari’s agent in a final sideswipe at the Giallorossi directors.


    Which end were the amateurs though?? I really hope that this happens as we seriously need cover at leftback not just coz Pistones crap but i think Phil Neville has to be played in midfield up to now the lads been excellent :rolleyes:

  9. Doesnt look a 5m player? To many, he does


    To many a rs fan he may do but i think that you may have paid over the odds for this fella, oh yeah and Crouch aswell! Is Beneathus related to Houllier?? Or do the rs just get ripped of by teams that think hang on we can take the p1ss here a bit?? :lol:


    If you look at Sissoko we had agreed a deal for 5 million Euros arould 3.9million quid im told, and he signed for the rs for 5.6 million quid thats 1.7 million more than our valuation ;)

  10. its because of the amount of posts youve done. you can change it on your control panel


    How do you change it?? I thought the toffeelady was kept to one side for rs fans :lol:

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