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Everything posted by Scaff777

  1. Something funny? How about Redknapp for next Everton boss?!
  2. I kind of knew the option of Big Dunc being manager would raise a few eyebrows, and in a way my blog is slightly tongue in cheek, but who is to say he wouldn't make a great manager? Most of the time we'll never know unless people are given a chance. I'm guessing most people would have thought the likes of Roy Keane or Tony Adams would have been fantastic managers because of the leadership qualities they showed at their clubs, but the truth is you'll never know unless given a shot. The likes of Stubbs, Weir, and Neville have all been touted as possible Everton managers, so why not Big Dunc?
  3. Clearly the next boss of Everton is an important one (duh!) but I'm struggling to find a candidate that really jumps out at me. I fear Martinez has built up a reputation on attractive football without getting results, I know very little of Vitor Pereira at Porto, and I just don't think Michael Laudrup wants to leave Swansea. So then there is the option of picking an internal candidate, but I still can't get excited by Neville, Stubbs, or Weir! Then I read last week Howard Kendall's assessment that Duncan Ferguson would be a perfect fit. At first I didn't really think much of it, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea! So I put together my top 10 reasons as to why I think Big Dunc should be our next manager on my blog. Would love to hear what fellow Evertonian's think! http://stevenscaffardi.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/top-10-reasons-why-duncan-fergsuon.html
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