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Posts posted by xavier

  1. I've been impressed by him, as well.




    Would like to add one thing as well. Howard looked world class (i know that word gets thrown about a bit too much) in his first season at ManUre. He made a few mistakes and never got back to his top form.


    He has had a new start at EFC and thus has had an oppurtunity to forget his past and start afresh, to an extent. I personally, would find it interesting to see how he reacts after a mistake or two has been made by him.


    If he has the balls, he'll come back and earn more respect from me.




    Not slating him, just laying down a new path for a discussion.

  2. The thing is Xav no matter how many times Liverpool had shots that just missed the fact is that they still missed, it doesnt change anything. You're strikers are paid to score goals not marginally miss



    No arguing your point. Our players are paid to score, true.



    My point wasnt that though, i was arguing to the fact that Rafa was to be blamed for our poor start. Its the players to which most of the blame should go to, Rafa had a good formation against chelsea. It worked to extent, just that we didnt take our chances.


    We werent bad from any stretch of imagination. Thats my point.

  3. sorry Xav, i have to jump on this one.


    Messi didnt come into the Barca team as they have a limit on non EU players in Spain, but he was playing regular European games. as soon as he got Spanish citizenship he was free to play, and has barely been dropped since.



    If thats true, then its completely my mistake. But the game in Spain isnt as physical as in england.


    You've got lads who arent getting games. We are in the same position. Most of us wanted Paul Andersen to start on the right wing, late last season when we didnt have any one to play on the right. Rafa never started him. We now know why. He isnt ready to swallow the physical part of the game. We noticed that in the F.A. Youth cup which was live on tv. Managers are smart, they know when to play a player and when not to.

  4. I would raise an eyebrow or two and be a little concerned, but wouldn't lose sleep over Hughes playing.


    As for Xav, one word ROONEY, at 16 he has the mental toughness and physique of a man 5 years his senior.


    If you're good enough you're old enough.







    See, that only fortifies my point. I've clearly stated that, if physically and mentally a 17 year old can handle the game, i've got no qualms in giving him regular games.


    But thats not the case usually. Not everyone's the same. Rooney's an exception, he's incredibly strong.


    A normal 17 year old bloke isnt. Probably a reason, why that 16-17 year old icelandic kid of yours never got a start even when there were injuries to players in the middle of midfield.

  5. I dont go along with all this "He's too young" malarky, for the simple reason that 18 year old men are dying in wars all over the world. 

    If they are old enough to go to war, surely they are old enough to play a game of football. He looked a very good player to me, and well capable of doing the job. IMO.




    Dont think its as straightforward as that. There is a reason why Wenger wont get Walcott to start for Arsenal regularly. There's a reason why Messi, too was bought slowly into the Barca squad(yes, i know, he's still only 19. but listen me out anyway). Everyone knew that these two players are going to probably be world superstars in the future but still they are only being bedded in slowly.


    Some of these lads may have the quality to fight it out but not the physical structure at 17-18-19 years old. It might shatter their confidence if the dont do well, or god forbid get injured..

    The others arent mentally equipped to handle the pressure of the premiership.


    It wouldnt be wise to start such players unnecessarily. Huge risk.


    But, if the boys (at 18, they are boys really) are both mentally AND physically equipped to handle the frustration of a Drogba dive and then physical wrestling for a long ball, or a Gerrard full blooded challenge (non-malicious though :P ) or a Ricardo Carvalho physical bollocking, i see no reason why the should be started.


    I hope i've put my point forth, clear enough.

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