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Luke Verbeek

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Everything posted by Luke Verbeek

  1. Hi guys, I have launched a system for football fans who want a better and authentic football experience during match days. Our vision is to provide football fans from around the world the opportunity to be more than just a spectator by providing a homestay with a true local fan from their favourite club.Visiting fans will stay with local fans at their houses and pay them for their hospitality. Travelling fans will be able to stay with local fans, to get reasonably priced accommodation nearer the stadium and match day experience through the eyes of local fans. Homefans helps visiting fans and local fans to make contact and arrange homestay accommodation when they travel. By encouraging visiting fans to stay with locals, we aim to help local fans earn an income from sharing their lives with visiting fans from their local club. Travelling fans will be supporting local supporters financially through this system. Instead of staying in a hotel, fans will spend their time with local fans to experience a better match day experience. All too often, football fans arrive, look around and take photos, but the local people who live there remain little more than 'extras' - part of the background of the local football club. By contrast, visiting fans get a deeper experience of the place they visit than just seeing the club, bars and sights. People interested in either becoming a host fan or guest can sign up through our website. Visiting individuals and families can then search the host fan database to find hosts to be matched to on request basis. We already got our first local host fans for Everton and it would be great to add some more true local fans, who would like to earn an extra income and rent out a spare room to a visiting fan, to our database. You can visit the website at http://www.homefans.net/everton-fc to see if this is something you'd be interested in. Feel free to share it with others and you can follow us on social media to get the latest news and offers in the coming months.
  2. Haha sorry guys, i made a typo. I read a lot about fan experience at Everton during match days so that's why i wanted to know how you Toffees experience match days!
  3. Hey all! So like most reading this I am big supporter of football. I visit the Premier League a few times every year to see some of the matches. As foreigner i experience a match day in a different way than most of the local fans do. I don't really get in touch with local fans and that is something most of the foreign football fans feel the same. I want to change that and i'm currently working on a project. Basically me and an irish friend of mine were discussing going to matches etc and sort of came up with an idea for a new football experience that were trying to get going. It's still very concept at this stage - but it involves creating and providing all in one football packages. This would include match day tickets,travel and accommodation.The accommodation however would be with a local club supporter bed and breakfast style. This would allow us to keep prices all year around as opposed to hotels etc that can raise them when match days come around etc. It also means that fans travelling through this system would be supporting other supporters financially who in turn would be able to afford to get more games etc. It would also be a cool way to meet new fans. What do you think? Would a travel package that includes accommodation at a supporters house influence your decision to book it either way? We have a survey set up if you have a spare minute! We really appreciate your opinion and we'd love to know how you think about this opportunity. https://homefans.wufoo.com/forms/lets-make-football-travel-better/
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