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Everything posted by agbaby

  1. I'm not big into buying team gear to be honest, but I was thinking about getting an Everton baseball cap. I have short hair and my scalp has a tendacy to get sunburned if I'm out for a lengthy amount of time, so I have several caps that I wear, depending on the mood. Anyway, I found one online. As I purchased it, it occurred to me that I don't really recall English people wearing baseball caps all that often. Whether it be BBC shows I watch, live shots of crowds at sporting events or other British things, or even documentaries. I just don't recall many people wearing baseball caps. They're so common in America... I was just wondering if my perception of English people not wearing baseball caps is right? and if so, is there a reason why?
  2. I think I've heard of Steve Vasquez, but not as a chef. As a musician maybe? And yeah Gusto, being single in my mid-20s means that my motor is still high... 9am beers are happening and it will be wonderful
  3. Twas! The Life and Times of the Thundebolt Kid!
  4. It's true it's true. Yeah, it'd be fun to get a little chapter going in Iowa. Des Moines is a nice sized metro (almost 600k) but always seems to be on the wrong side of the line with these fan clubs. O0maha, for example, has an Everton chapter. They also have a Buffalo Bills chapter, an NFL team I'm a fan of. Des Moines is about two-thirds the size of Omaha and have neither. Anyway, I'll probably head to the Royal Mile for the game Saturday. Hopefully some more Americans will have joined the Everton fray
  5. Hey another Des Moines man! I'll take it! I was going to create my own introduction, but I saw this already. I too am from DSM! Been an Everton fan for about ~6 years, but only really got serious about it last year due to a combination of increased NBCSN access and a job that didn't have me working Saturday mornings. (Edit: sorry, you may be a woman as well. my bad) Editx2 - not a woman! you even said your name in the original post. I'm an idiot.
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