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Posts posted by Ola

  1. If you did not already know this, Mr Labone is on record (indeed on my video tape) as saying


    "Don't forget lads, 1 Evertonian is worth 20 Liverpudlians".


    Brian Labone will always remain one of a small handful of players that can be called an Everton legend.


    Dean, Sager, Young, Ball, Kendall, Harvey, Labone, Ratcliffe and Southall - one or two others but not many.


    Rest in Peace Brian.

    :P labbys always right kid ;)

  2. just heard on sky sports news now. is it the right choice i think so because styles was so inconsistant and harsh with his decisions.


    he gives cars a red and laughs with robben when he arrives late without permission to enter field

    :o dont think it was straight red ; carsley was looking at the ball witch you can clearly see unlike the inconsistant referee . ;)

  3. ive hard a few wispers that we are after dickov from blackburn rovers :angry: is this the best we can hope for ;we need to inprove the team and dickov just doesnt fit the bill. am i wrong in pointing out people like aj from pallace or trundle at the swans or newgent at preston . when will vaughan be fit ? for gods sake dont buy dickov he will get more red cards than goals for us if he signs .who do you want up front <_<

  4. As a regular at the match and a filmmaker I am producing a documentary about rivalrys between football teams in the same city, specifically  us and them!


    The common thought around Britain is that our derby is a 'friendly' rivalry, nowhere near as intense a relationship as say, north London,Glasgow, Manchester or even east Anglia!


    if you could give me any input as to why you hate/ don't hate liverpool, reasons for / reasons for not hating them it would be greatly appreciated.


    personally. living in the city and going the match regular the rivalry to me as intensified over the last 10/15 years, if anyone agrees or doesn't agree all contributions will be appreciated.


    Nice one, Ian

    i dont hate rs nor their supporters because ive never heard of them only club in mersey side is Everton or have i missed somthing ;) no in all honesty its not hatred its just loyalty to your team but are city people now there footy and we take it seriously its life or death to us but we do have a great banter together but thats because of the people in the city, are city an people in it are one off and thats a fact what a life blue an scouse god i love my life born blue die blue B)

  5. Ok people Big Nige thinks he can play on for another season! What do you all think?


    IMO now is the time to bring in Turner for the remainder of the season let him prove his worth and lets have a proper look at him. I believe a combination of Ruddy & Martyn next season is enough cover for him if he proves over the next few weeks that he can hack it in the prem.


    Dependant on Turners performances in the next few games we could make money rather than spending it in the keeper department this summer. I would sell Wright to the first taker for whatever we can get but a swap deal for a young up and coming player would be ideal. Give Turner the No. 1 next season put Nige on the bench and every now and then let Ruddy do the bench warming to build up his confidence a bit.


    If we dont give him a chance now then we need to buy a high quality keeper for next season because the kids are un-tried and i dont think Nige can be our number one keeper!!

    go for given ;)

  6. VDM came with a injury plagued career so maybe he has been a waste of space but Farrari has been on the bench most of the games he has missed so it isnt his fault he hasnt played as many games.

    ive seen little of the pair of them on the pitch but i think we should give em time ;like the look of farrari think he could cut it in the prem ;as for vdm lets wait an see when hes fit we havent give em a chance yet ;)

  7. I am led to believe that nuno will be out for the rest of the season with a thigh problem. Adam will be happy as this will pave the way for pistone to spearhead our charge for europe with all those 1-3 defeats

    dont now mate heard wispers he might be back quicker than people think ? i hope so anyway top player an a nice bloke to speak to as well ;need him back asap.

  8. Hiya all

    Just a quick update on Kayley......


    They have diagnosed her as diabetic now and is going to need 6 injections of insulin a day from now on to keep her blood sugar under control. Her consultant brought her an insulin pen today (its a special automatic needle/syringe for her to use to inject herself) and it was RED!!! Well, true to form Kayley point blankly REFUSED to have anything to do with a red one and insitsted it had to be blue for Everton or she wouldn't have it! Luckily the consultant went off and managed to return with a blue one, so Kayley accepted it  :D   She's still very scared of all the injections she has to give herself though  :(


    Still no news on the kidney problems and she's still a poorly wee girl, so please continue to send her your love and prayers, thoughts and messages! They are so appreciated by both Kayley and her Mum and are keeping them going  :)


    Emma x


    Live Life Then Give Life Campaign


    :D thats good news on are star supporter ;) you show em little one us blues can never be kept down your mum will be proud as are we . : : :D:DB) all are love to you little one EVERY Everton SUPPORTER :D

  9. :D

    Thank you all SO much for your kind messages....you are such lovely people :)   Kayley is getting all your messages and her and her Mum are so touched by everyone's kindness.


    There was much better news today I'm relieved to say. Kayley seems to have turned a corner and is fighting back! :D   :D   :D Her blood tests look much better and her temperature has stayed down today. Still not sure exactly what is wrong, but at least she has made progress today. I'm sure everyone's support and prayers has helped her a great deal and I know they have helped her Mum too.


    Thanks again everyone and all messages will continue to be read out to Kayley :)

    please keep us informed about are star supporter as we all wish to see hear walk out on the pitch again real soon a true blue maskot what a girl ;)

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