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Everything posted by MadmaxCFC

  1. No, I don't take words on the internet seriously, unlike the bloke who called me a window licker for having a bit of fun. I wasn't expecting 'respect' - it's an internet board, lol. Was I winding you lot up? Sure. Does that invalidate what I said about the hypocritical morons on twitter etc who very seriously throw words like 'classless' around? No.
  2. That's refreshing to hear. A lot of Everton fans on social media frothing at the mouth about this should maybe take a step back and have a word with themselves - this is simply a guy making a career choice. The likes of them love playing some sort of moral superiority card but when they abuse Mourinho, Chelsea players, Chelsea, or the player himself, they're doing level headed supporters like yourself a disservice. Speaking from a Chelsea point of view it'll be interesting to see what comes of this if we do get him. In the short term I'm not certain if we will slot straight in for either JT or Cahill - there is Zouma to think about, as also Ivanovic because Stones does play RB. However over the longer term he looks to have been earmarked to take over from JT, which is a big responsibility but also a step in the right direction because we're crying out for a more proactive and technical CB than our default duo.
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