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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. I've got a mate who's a Liverpool fan (just the one), and because of all the nonsense surrounding them and the stupid transfer prices wages etc, he's stoped watching all football now. Can't be arsed with it.


    It's a self fulfilling prophecy all this stuff.

    1. You need money to compete.

    2. Big money only comes with investors.

    3. Investment means increased freedom/ability to bid for players.

    4. Clubs bid stupidly unrealistic ammounts of money for players.

    5. You need more money to compete.


    And so on.

  2. Taken from another forum and made me chuckle. 1st time today!!!!


    From his Wikipedia

    Everton and Tottenham have been the latest to be rumoured to the midfield, each reportdedly placing £11.2 million bids, on the final day of the transfer window. His preferred destination is said to be Everton, as they can offer European football as well as a rich tradition of developing young players, as opposed to buying in bulk and still getting nowhere like Tottenham.

  3. As much as I despise our neighbours, this has got nothing to do with them. This is more to do with our own inept approach to arguably the most important season in our recent history, and to say anything else really gives them the ammo to call us bitter blues, and play the jealousy card.


    I would love to be proven wrong in the next couple of hours, but I think we are fooked and there are only limited people we can point the finger at to be fair.


    FFS, please stop making the club I love look twattish and amateur!!!!

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