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Posts posted by Mogsy

  1. There is another way of looking at things. If Arteta, Yakubu and Beckford leave tonight (for say close to £20m) then we almost half our debt. It's not sexy and feels tough tonight, but does this put the club in a healthier position for the long term...yes, absolutely.


    I think your possibly right, could make us look better for a buy out maybe??


    You will get the same response then....behave yourself


    To be honest i'm gutted if he goes, he has been our best player by a long way in recent times, but you can see he just doesn't look right when he is playing! Now whether thats just because he's heart is not at the club anymore only time will tell, but i believe its not and so he should go. Jags my have had a shite start to the season but he's not missing that passion imao

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