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Posts posted by adamsmith69

  1. This should really be in General football rather than general everton football, however it would not of got the audience it deserves.


    Did anyone who watched the game last night here the announcement for the kop?


    'Can (can't remember the name, for arguments sake, Erika will do) Erika the norwegian lady please contact your nearest steward, i repeat Erika a norwegian lady please contact your nearest steward'


    Best part of the game for me, i was in bits. everyone around me wondered wtf was going on. Priceless.

  2. this is a good move, it will give him first team football at a good championship club. If he does well there then give him a few more pops at it here, if he fluffs it then get rid. Don't get me wrong, i rate Vaughan highly and think he will do well at Leicester. His attitude is brilliant and i would love him to become partof the first team.

  3. Which everton will turn up is the question we need to know, once we know that we should have a pretty good idea what the score will be. Unfortunately, as we are away, i cant see anything but a draw. We do owe them one though, so i am hoping to be wrong.

  4. Out









    New Right back

    New Striker

    Right winger


    Jesus christ get rid of

    neville, when he dooesn't play we lack his leadership, never play as well when he isnt in the team. Coincidence, i think not

    yobo, I think he has been a good player for us and although he has the odd lapse in concentration, he is a very good back up

    ossie, no way, he has been here since the start of his career and although was a red, he now bleeds blue, on his day possibly our best technician

    gosling, he is young and seems to have a knack for being in the correct place at the correct time, starting to look a little stronger

    baxter, i think we need to give jose a few more years, he is a young lad and has the potential to be a good player.


    If it was up to me, i would sell nobody. IMO we need a right winger, cover at left back and a striker (maybe). Although Moyes knows more than all of us. In moyes we trust

  5. So do you want Rodwell to run around like a headless chicken and lunge into challenges with two feet ala Rooney and Gerrard at 18? I also dont know many plyers who at 18 played consistently good week in and week out.


    I normally agree with your sentiments Mike but I'm not too sure about the above! He started off the season with a couple of decent performances, mostly against fairly weak opposition in Europe (from memory) and he shined amongst the abysmal displays that his teammates were producing at the time. I don't think we could get anywhere near £40m for his services at this present time and would personally value between £20-30m as a very fair offer. He looks like a quality player, the problem is I'm still not at all convinced about him in midfield and only time will tell as to whether he has the positional sense and know how for playing CB. I think he will turn out to be a world class centre back (and POSSIBLY a world class midfielder) but I don't think it's a cast iron certainty as of yet. Rodwell is most certainly a 'classy' footballer but he needs to get involved more in matches before I see him as anything other than 'potentially' a very good player. I wouldn't like to see us sell him as we should be getting past that stage, but if we sold him for £25 million in the Summer and bought an excellent striker or two/or winger then I couldn't honestly say I would see it as bad business at this present time. After all, we do have quite a few options in midfield who I'd pick ahead of him at the moment.


    Some players have that raw hunger, Gerrard did, Rooney did, they got involved, they put themselves about, Rodwell needs to start showing that passion and involvement - tiny Osman played far better and wanted it far more the other night than I've ever seen from Rodwell. He's old enough now to start producing and not living on his potential imo.

  6. Rodwell's potential is undoubted. he has all the attributes to make him a top top player of the future, as has been stated he glides accross the pitch, he is comfortable on the ball, can strike a good ball, pass with both feet, dangerous in the air. The boy is a england captain in the making. I can't believe anybody would doubt this. I certainly wouldnt accept 20 mill for him, how can you put a value on the boys ability

  7. Lets get this baby up and running. As ever Everton are impossible to predict, however Man Utd are not. I am a little scared about this with Felli out, cahill a doubt, mikel and rodders not 100% fit.


    Well, i cant predict a loss so a hard fought 2-1 victory.


    Saha and Heitinga for us and Rooney for them (he wont celebrate i dont think)

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