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Posts posted by coxy051

  1. MikeO and Coxy, condesecding twats of the year. Did you go today..........answer...... a big NO............. see first hand or reserve judgement.


    Nope sorry i couldn't was working like i am nearly every weekend now so don't get to go to many games like i used to. Gota make a living tho ay? I did get to see some of the first half and all the second in the pub tho an what i seen was a strong Burnley side on a high from the win against manur and a week Everton side who look low in confidence and couldn't string a pass together. Now a don't know if all this is because of the upset Lescott could have caused or if its just a dip in form and early season nerves but what a do know is we didn't just go shite over night. Remember this team finished 5th last season and is still the same team for a few seasons who have finished in the top 5.

  2. Well, I told you so. The fact that Valencia wanted to loan(with a buying option) one of our most promising players was unreallistic ;)


    Sorry guys ;)

    Was it u who he was on the web cam to? i think u love him its ok tho he will still have use of the tiniterweb when he's over here playing for the blues.

  3. Think you're painting him as a bit more of an optimist than he deserves there coxy.....he's far more depressing (or should it be depressed) than that :lol: !


    Haha ano am starting to think he's a red or something after going through some post's he's made. I just don't get where the lad's coming from think he needs a few happy pills!

  4. Me also, if we can get Banega in alongside Arteta i cant see Fellaini gettting into the team.


    IM thinking the same. I didn't like Fellaini when we got him but think he got better an better an chipped in with sum crucial goals last season even tho he was supposed to be a dm (probably 1 of the worse dm's in the prem because the lad cant tackle and cant get back in time to break up play) But he scored goals and is effective in the air but i just cant justify his place in the starting 11 when Arteta is back in and if we get this argie bargie. The lad needs to beef up and beef up fast an learn how to tackle or he's not going to get a game! On a side note is it me or does that CaptainFerguson10 sound like the most depressing blue ive ever heard am shure Kenwright has casused him harm in some way! Brighten up lad this is Everton we are not the most richest club in the world but we get on with what we do and we do it good. Have faith in the club and the management that runs it because its kept us in the top flight for years! We do it the hard way not that we chose to because we have to! Stop it with the doom an gloom an support your club or just stop posting an stay in bed!

  5. Yep...


    Im not even going to bother getting into an argument with u your a waste of time an space u silly little pleb. Its so called supporters like u who give city a bad name.. So what if you's have money your doin what any club would do in your situation but to be a complete prat goin on other clubs forums to rub it in makes u a waste of space! U proably dont even go the games or anything your just a fat armchair supporter livin in mummys manc house! Can someone just ban him please??

  6. Do you think Moyes will make an changes to the side?


    Anyone know if its on TV?


    I think he start Saha an put Cahill behind him, wih Neville at RB











    I would go with that team but i would have Jo to start before Saha. Only because i think he will be alot better in the euro games then he is in the prem. If he plays shite take him off at half time and have a fresh Saha for the second half.

  7. in terms of a marketing point of view its a good idea. its certainly brought attention to the new kit (whether it be negative or positive) and people know about it.


    I done the show in the everton 2 store for radio city when they was there. The store was packed looked like we sold alot of away kits so it definitely had a positive effect and a think there version of if you know your history was quite funny.

  8. Been told today tha lescott is going for around 20 mil and the only reason the deal ain't done yet is because we haven't found a replacement but he's definitely on his way out. An i also hear that michael owen was supposed to be a done deal for us but man u came in just before he signed an he changed his mind.

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