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Everything posted by SportingFan

  1. What do you mean? You don't have the sounds in the English. Listen to how the commentator pronounces it here . Or tune in to Sporting's games in the Champions' League this season and wait for him to score!
  2. I'm still waiting to see EFC paying the 25 million euro. Until they do, I'm pretty sure he'll be staying with us.
  3. In that colour code you're using, I am green. And white. In horizontal stripes. I'm a Sporting fan.
  4. I think it's because you can't afford the 19.6 million pound Sporting is asking.
  5. Moreover, the value is not 10% of the offer, it's 10% of the difference between 15 M€ and the offer (so if someone offers 20 million, it's 10% of 5 million = 500 k€)
  6. That's also not true. The clause seems to exist, but can only be executed if the player asks for it and only once per season.
  7. That is a lie. The 25 million euro clause is only available until June 25th. After that Sporting will only sell if and how they want. If they ask for 30 million, there's nothing stopping them. Also, everything bellow 25 million euro is most likely going to be rejected.
  8. The problem is that players today are mercenaries and seem to have no respect for the clubs they represent. As a journalist was saying the other day in Portugal, players want the best of both worlds. They want to be protected by high wages contracts but want to leave as soon as someone else waives with a better offer, forgetting they signed a contract and that it works both ways: clubs pay high wages in exchange for a warranty that they'll stay for an X number of seasons (unless, of course, they are sold). What Moutinho is doing - and what Cristiano has been doing the whole summer - is in my point of view unacceptable. It's certainly not a role model for anyone, it's just an attitude of a spoiled child, a young boy who's not mentally up to the responsibilities of such a highly well paid profession. What saddens me the most is that Moutinho was the most respected player in the team - at least for the fans. His attitude (definitely order by that Zhavi character, with a questionable code of honour) was a shock to everyone. As a Sporting fan I don't have anything against Everton (well, you COULD have bought Stoikovic... ), but I hope that Sporting's board keeps their strong position and doesn't give in on the 25 million euro price tag.
  9. Because Moutinho has a contract with the club and the minimum fee release clause of 25 million euro has expired on June 25th. The player signed the contract less than 6 months ago and has the highest wage in the team. So Sporting will only sell him if and how they want. Which sounds reasonable.
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