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Posts posted by LexKing

  1. OMG im to drunk and fell sleep 5 minutes before end. Woke up when commentator where shoutin ARTEEETAA! how we gt penalty? Was is clear? Cant believe that Howard saved 2!!!!!! penalties. Really lucky today to grab 3p. Tbh we didnt deserve it.

  2. I dont believe that we would start with 2 man upfront. Becks has some knee problems, and from Sahas tweet you can think he aint fit atm. Probably broke his ankle while waiting breakfast from toaster. And even them both were fit, i still dont think Moyes would put them out together from start. But like you said Steve_E its something you hope.

  3. Whos playing where in the midfield? would love to see Rodwell Felliani and Barkley in the middle but I am guessing its Rodwell and Barkley who are playing out wide?


    Mikel Left, Barkley right, Osman behind Ani

  4. Arteta(Barkley) GET IN!!!


    Barkley the mastermind!!!!



    edit: im too excited with just radio lol, Barkley run with the ball, got tackled and ball went to Best little Spaniar we know, and he put it top corner.

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