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Posts posted by LexKing

  1. That was annoying game to watch :( Our players werent ready, they seemed to be thinking how important game this is while the game was going. Looked for really scary playing. Even Howard couldnt get the team wake up even he tryed and did all he could by himself. This team aint ready for europe, as sad it is to say. We have got important experience from eurocups this season and hopefully it helps next season. Fiorentina were very strong all the game, our teams passing and running werent not even close our best games level. I believe we will see better Everton next wednesday, but i dont believe we can go throught this. If we keep clean sheet it would be possible and of course im hoping lads will fight their hearts out again. Nothing to lose anymore!!! COYB


  2. BTW, does any1 know why Timmy were so emotional after hes goal? Does he had somekind personal loss in prvate life or what? Also havent seen him doing that cross he made with his hands earlier, and he really were lookin for crying when he went boxing corner flag. I were emotional lol but why Timmy also. Is he just that deep Evertonian already :)

  3. Oh man. Absolutely im so delighted about this result. Almost got myself emotional when Timmy headed that ball into the net(for american Evertonian, yes it was pretty goal. Couple short passed on the side, good cross and timmy put it in, hard header but good result left side of the goal), almost felt my eyes went wet :). Its so good to see your loved team can produce good result game after game again after few bit harder years. Were bit frustated when pompey got that lucky goal and heart started to bump bit fast :) when were waiting when they will score, and that goal was so big relief. And yakyakyak hes a machine, im so happy he has proven me wrong when he was on transfertalks. In Moyesy we trust. COYB

  4. I saw a spanish members welcome thread at the bottom (related threads bit) and just copied and pasted what he/she wrote :D:D


    and mike i meant to say 'My eel owns a hovercraft'


    Prolly that text would introduce urself lika a gentleman for some1 spanish speakin women :D:lol:B):P :P

  5. we've booked the airplane and stadium tickets today!

    You'll see my purple banner STIA C'é on our sector!!




    What means that STIA C'é? Dang thats the way to do it. Im just dreamed to go to Goodison and some1 go there right away when hes team is playing there first time ever :P. Hopefully u have good time everyway else than the final score of the game.

  6. This game is also goint to be tough one. Hopefully we keep our good spirit flying and will win this game , 2-1 Osman 44, Pienaar 67



    about Manny: After last season were hoping we will sign him, aswell a lot of other blues fans. I were very delighted when we got him back , even with a end of season loan. But, now i cant agree "hes class act". Class act could do something useful is games even he wouldnt be perfect matchfit. He hasnt obviously done anything so far :( Hes not shining atm even for a little passes or trickling or stuff like that. A class act would do it even sometimes. Only thing what he has done has been too powerful passes for teammates(like he would want every1 see at all others aint so good techinially than he is) and going down when losing a ball, of course also a lot of misspasses. Sorry to say but for this kind of Manny we dont have use in our very good squad.


    Team on sunday: Howard--Hibbo--Yobo--Jags--Lescott---Arteta(Ossie)--Carsley(Neville)--Neville(Ossie)--Pienaar--Timmy--Yak

  7. Wow. If those half times would been played different order, i wouldnt believed we would win this 1... but im so happy we did clean sheet. MOM today definitely JAGS, Ossie also good game and yak. No serious strugelers today, but second half might have been worse of the season. Gladly we could handle the pressure somehow and took those important 3p from a game u couldnt expect to be easy. GJ lads

  8. Were definitely struggling now... We need to get back on track and soon. Elano has made them huge impact...just wish we would got 3rd from chance between yak and timmy. Didnt like a bit of sub of Pienaar, hopefully he didnt get some injury :( Come On . ANd now fernandez is coming off ,,,geez were out of players soon :(


    Fernandez--> AJ

  9. Any1 see Tony Hibbert take the ball past one of their players, Absolute quality, but then he passed it straight to a brann player :lol:



    That looked/sounded pretty funny :) First he got huge applauses from crowd when he went perfectly pass tackling norwegian. Crowd keep cheering when he go with ball up on the right side :) then he pass the ball directly to brann player :) almost heard the boo on my mind, but there were only disappointed sights , that was funny. Next time when TH goes off some1 , ppl has to be quiet so he dont piss hes pants and pass the ball to enemy :)

  10. I can't find one.


    How are we lining up? Anyone know. Can't get picture/commentary anywhere <_< .



    Only link i founded, showed couple pics from Goodison , then channel had problems and they play derbu-manc :angry:

  11. Everton worshipe: Are you serious? We have overally so far best season for a while(yes we were 4th couple seasons ago) and if we dont get anything big succes, u think our top players are out of door? DM has always done good job and focus on a long and slow road, not rush and fall back down if you get what i mean. Anyway, i think theres everything ok in the club and we can get better and better and thats what players want also.

  12. POor game but important points. Wehad a lot more of troubles cause the awful pitch. I dont think manny would changed a thing there cause u couldnt dribble or play ball on the ground(except couple of spots on sides where those rugbuyplayers+raint werent raped it). We needed lucy today and we got it pfff. Like i said , tough game there and it certainly was that. Osman did good job and Timmy also played a lot to defensive way. AJ worked really hard and i though DM will change JV to him cause he seemed a bit tired at last 15minutes. Very heavy conditions to player with high workrate as AJ , TC, JL and LO

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