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Everything posted by CletusVanDamme

  1. It certainly is a sad state of affairs in my hometown. The Capitals are our only saving grace. The Redskins are about to embark on another disappointing campaign...the owner, Dan Snyder, would love it in the EPL, though. He'd spend, spend, and spend and then spend some more. I like Simmons...I think it's the Simmons fanboys I have a problem with. His EPL piece was great and I would probably give him a small bit of credit if things finally take off here. However, I'd give a lot more credit to the increasing number of friendlies and the exhibition tours of the top Euro clubs each summer over here. Combine that exposure with ESPN picking up the EPL broadcast rights and showing select matches in glorious high definition (it's awesome) and I think the foothold is stronger than ever for the sport in this country. We've heard it many times before, but I truly think it's poised to take off this time around, especially with WC qualifying going on now and the WC next year. We'll see.
  2. Hello all (and apologies in advance for the long post), I'm an Everton fan hailing from Washington, DC. I've been a fan since 2003 or so, when I decided I needed to begin following the Premier League in earnest. When searching for a team, I couldn't choose one of the Big 4 and respect myself in the morning, so I chose to follow Everton because, at the time, Wayne Rooney was the next big thing and I thought that would be a good thing on which to hang my hat (that lasted for all of one season). Also, my brother-in-law's name is Everton (although he goes by Evan), so I thought that was a sign. As you can see, it was a very exhaustive and scientific process. Honestly, I admired the long history of the club, and my impression of the club at the time was that it was a hard-working team that was greater than the sum of its parts that would compete for the top 7 and Europe competition. I like that in my teams. Anyways, while my interest in the Premier League initially picked up, it was hard to sustain for various reasons, not least of which was limited TV exposure here in the States. All the while, though, Everton was my club. I programmed my TiVo to record Everton matches anytime they aired, and I watched and followed the best I could in that time. Obviously, with ESPN picking up EPL broadcast rights this season and Fox Soccer Channel blowing up in the last couple years, it has become much easier to follow both the club and the league. Also, I created a fantasy EPL team and joined a league with some friends this season, so my interest is at an all-time high. And Everton is *still* my club. I know you guys are probably pretty tired of Americans jumping on the bandwagon and treating the game and the league as some sort of cute novelty, but just know that I picked my team and showed my interest in the league long before that clown Bill Simmons (ESPN) made it fashionable and hip for American sports fans! I've long loved the game and the passion it generates. I will always support Everton, so you have me whether you like it or not. That said, I have some questions that, hopefully, some of you won't mind answering. If you are still reading, I thank you for bearing with me. I chose this forum because it seems like a good group...the times I've gone on the official forum on evertonfc.com, I've wanted to gouge my eyes out and punch myself in the face to make it stop. Plus, this board is visually appealing and easy to read...that goes a long way. 1) Is the club relocating and/or getting a new stadium? Should I be in favor of this? 2) What's the best site for news and opinions? I like ToffeeWeb...clean site, easy to read. 3) Would a move give the club more money to spend? I know the club is lining up several transfers as we speak, and I'm not looking for Big 4 or what City is setting out to do, but spending some money (and regularly) seems to be necessary. 4) What happened to Andy Johnson? I loved that dude. Why'd the club let him go? Financial? 5) We're gonna be OK, right? Certainly a disheartening start to the season, but I'm a Moyes guy and think he'll pull it together. Get over this Lescott thing, get Arteta back, work in the new blood...we'll be fine. I think that's enough for one night. Thanks for having me...I tend to lurk in forums like this and probably won't post much, but I look forward to learning and growing with the community. Thanks, CVD
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