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Posts posted by smulliga

  1. As people have said at least he was shit for 20 minutes, there was too many shit performances last night. The amount of time we were too slow getting to players, but i mean it was actually quite visible to see that we were to slow to there players, surely moyes and the players themselves knew? Why didnt they up the tempo a bit, that game was sooo frustrating last night



    Gosling was weakest link, cant be harsh on the lad though he shouldn't have been on the pitch under normal circumstances, just wonder how long you can live off a derby goal ?

  2. Look, the fact is we can't print money to buy players or for that matter to compete on wages with some of the other clubs and I would hardly call Moyes occaisional refference to the size of the squad "rantings" The Premiership is in the big scheme of things a relatively new advent compared to the full history of our club and the game itself and it will be a marathon in the future not a sprint, we are RELATIVELY speaking in a far healthier state financialy than the majority of Prem Clubs and once the RIGHT investor has been found we will take our rightfull position for years to come, this may however take another year or two, in the meantime thank god for Moysie and keep the faith !

  3. i'm not worried because i've anticipated this slide for a few seasons...middle table i fancy this season and without some investment we won't get our european football back any time soon


    Well isn't that being a little bit unfair ? you say you have anticipated a slide to mid table for a few seasons ? we have on paper a considerably stronger squad than last season,I think the board have done their job, it's not their fault that The Yak,Mikel,Jags,Peanuts,Ossie,Bainsy,Louis have all been long term injuries (nor is it Steve Rounds by the way)

  4. They're mostly knee injuries, aren't they? Arteta, Jags, Neville, Vaughan, Pienaar, Anichebe - that's half of all the current injuries are pretty similar. Ok, I know most of them happened in matches, a couple as the result of pretty horrible challenges, but can this really just be bad luck? Is there something in our training that is making the players' knee joints weaker than they should be? If the muscles immediately above and below aren't strong enough, it can easily cause the knee joint to 'wobble', which is where you get your ligament and cartilage injuries coming in. I dunno, I'm no doctor but I hope it's something the club are looking into coz its ruining us at the moment.


    God help us ! is this supposed to be the thinking mans forum ????? oh, I keep forgetting, its half term isn't it ! yeah it must be that Steve Round fella giving them all wobbly knees :blink:

  5. ame='retnub' date='26 Oct 2009 - 13:12' timestamp='1256562736' post='192112']


    where did i once question the training methods? i quoted the mighty Python to make light of the claim that training is responsible. Who's the airhead now, dumbass...


    My comments were not directed at you but at the countless others who were whinging about the training,this site is useless to navigate,bring back the blueroom and escla I say !

  6. You try telling that to the youth of today, and they wont believe you...


    seriously though, whats going on?! Has Baz got a seriously hot assistant who does all the massages?


    What a load of old tosh you guys are talking ! what do you air heads mean that it has something to do with the training methods FFS !


    did none of you see how Jags,Neville,Arteta,Pienaar got injured ? just to mention a couple ! jeez, bring back the Blueroom and escla !

  7. Staying with the political reference, this is the typical opposition response to anything.


    If he says nothing you moan that he's not talking to the fans.


    If he explains it then you say he's not giving you figures. He's running a fucking company here! He doesn't give away figures like that. It's a legal minefield full of confidentiality and gentleman's agreements.


    He's a CEO of a major company and you're just a minor consumer. I'm amazed he's said anything tbh, I thought that after they said nothing during the summer they weren't going to say anything but I'm pleasantly suprised.

    This is the most intelligent and mature post that I have read on here since joining,spot on in all that he says.

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