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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. i'm sick of this, the chairman has no money to fund the club, so he should not be there, he's just a kid in a sweet shop. It's about time we stopped moaning and unite as evertonians and take some sort of a stand against this idiot, and try by any means neccesary to get this man away from our club as soon as possible, and he can take that clueless ginger twat with him as well, it's going to be another quiet window and the same 5 year old excuses of "we looked but nothing was there" well they can both fuck off, because i've had enough.
  2. I must admit i will be pretty pissed off if we don't bring anyone in, considering the current team situation, we know there's money there.
  3. he's hardly played although i think he will be better than victor.Incidently do you think we'll see kissock play before the end of season?
  4. Yeh and he can get his cheque book out at the same time.
  5. I just think that as soon as they new there was a problem, we should have looked elsewhere, everythings been left so late.
  6. Hit the nail on the head stevo (I wish the nail was Lord Showbiz, but thats for another day) davies always seemed to play all action for wales, and i remember a time when manure were linked with a £20m bid for him whilst he was still at spurs it suggests that maybe it was something we were doing ie: coaching or tactics.
  7. Not a bad idea, but i doubt we have got the money to persue a case.
  8. its a stupid situation, i just think that as soon as we knew there was a problem we should have just looked elsewhere, instead of farting about like we are now, it's crazy
  9. i think he does realise it now. but now is a year too late. i just feel that under the Moyes/Kenwright era we are going nowhere.
  10. I'll agree with that, Moyes/Coaches have ruined him. It's been a waste of time and money.
  11. well shandy should'nt be in the team because he's crap, and arteta can put decent balls in, but he's not consistant at it and i'd prefer him in the middle anyway, beattie has had his chance but we can't afford to let him go now can we.
  12. i've thought this for a while, a foreign technical coach from say.. Holland,may be able to offer us something extra. the dutch always have well rounded players and play nice attacking football.
  13. I want to stick with moyes, but he needs to pull his finger out and be open to some new ideas, and also give kenwright a kick up the ass to start acting like a proper chairman and not a like a kid in a sweet shop.
  14. watched Nigel Reo-Coker against the shite this evening, and was very impressed,it's a shame we did'nt make a move.he looked very good considering the team he's playing in.
  15. we should not have payed £6m for beattie knowing we did'nt really have anyone to cross the ball to him.
  16. it was me to i'm afraid, i just noticed the stadium talk and wondered if anyone knew which stadium was the one with the video cube(Frankfurt it was) and it all sort of rolled on from there as these things do.
  17. i can see your point, so we probably should stop moaning and get behind the team, but you have to question the way our club is run at times.
  18. lack of funds. a clueless chairman a manager who could be the next SAF but he makes some of the strangest team selections and tactical desicions i've seen. no scouting network a crumbling stadium which hopefully will change soon (frankfurt please) and like YOU said we throw points away for fun sometimes we need some consistency in the team and some more honesty from board and manager, others do it so why can't we? really i just want something to smile about, instead of having to be a doom-munger all the time.
  19. west ham have just offered charlton £18m for darren bent, i would'nt pay £5m.
  20. so your happy with the current situation at the club are you?
  21. it's not just that though is it, it's the charlton thing also and the constant stream of players who are linked then end up at other clubs, players who we should be looking to bring in but dithering davie just lets them go to a team like fulham or the barcodes etc.
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