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Posts posted by Neil

  1. been thinking about this since posting in the keane thread in the rumour section and i now think even though its highly unlikely he would come to us i think short term it would b a good signing after saturdays disgracefull performance and r midfield looking very light weight keane would defo improve the midfield as long as he keeps his mouth shut and takes a pay cut both of which also unlikely i would give him a chance to play for the mighty blues

  2. havin left the site for a day and a bit (big protest eh :) ) to try and get the mods to do somethin with the waste of skin that is shittin all over the forum and have came back....simply coz this is the best forum for the blues out there :huh:


    couldnt we introduce more mods or admins to the site to make sure these gobshites are delt with quickly so we dont have to put up with the shit they spout. i think if nothin is done we'll lose some decent evertonians who cannot be arsed with reading the same old from some sad little twat.


    lets do somethin about it eh :huh:

    totally agree mate its time kato gets banned

  3. They were all shite, lets not look for scapgoats, and start pointing the finger at killer, if moyes thought there was an individual better then he would have played him.

    its not a case of looking for scapegoats more often then not kilbane plays shite personally i would like to see kilbane/wright/pistone leave the club

  4. QUOTE(StevO_BluE

    this isnt a liverpool forum though is it?

    so fuck off knob


    No but the principle is the same....

    I know what is happening here as i wasnt born yesterday @ you will all carry on calling me all these abusive names until i retaliate and say something similar back, which then will be the perfect excuse for me to be banned.

    Well i aint gonna stoop to your level guys - sorry :huh:


    its not about name calling its about all of us on this forum not wanting to read the rubbish u post as we r fed up with u slagging r team off at every opportuntity i am all for banter but u just keep repeating urself so do us all a favour and go away

  5. poor performance poor ref and poor tactics we won r last 2 games with vdm on the left and arteta on the right so why change it and put arteta in the middle and vdm on the right bad decision by moyes and neville is better in midfield and more effective then when he plays at left back and to lose to west brom is a disgrace

  6. Think this is a bit of a touchy one and i would nae like to touch it with an effin large barge pole .


    I think the fact that the real ( self confessed ) culprit is still in this country and some poor ( very likely innocent ) lad is sitting behind bars in a foreign hellhole makes your comments a tad harsh banana's .


    No-one knows the full truth about what happened apart from Michael Shields and the lad back here who has owned up to the crime that Shields is serving life for now .


    The comment about executing the'' Fat twit '' as you so nicely put it is a tw@ttish comment considering you don't know all the facts and though i too don't know all the facts i don't go around spouting absolute bollox like yourself .


    You sir , if you don't mind me saying , sound like you're one of those to55ers who thought the 96 at Hillsborough deserved to die just cos they supported the RS , you sound like you would rather see sh!ttyness befall the RS before you would see the Glory years return to the Blues .


    It sickens me that there are Blues out there who still think this way and i have no time for '' your '' type of support .

    well said willo mate couldnt put it better myself

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