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How Has The Recession Hit You As A Football Fan?

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Hello –


I am currently in the process of researching and authoring a study on how the recession has hit football.


The general consensus of ‘experts’ in 2007 was that football was “recession-proof”. I think the past three years have probably indicated that this was not (and is not) entirely the case. A startlingly small amount has thus far been written on the topic too – we get the odd bit here and there but nothing detailed and certainly nothing comprehensive.


Part of my research comprises a short questionnaire, the results of which I intend to put to football finance experts, fan bodies and a selection of clubs themselves. This questionnaire is aimed at fans; primarily how the recession has influenced their spending on football and attendance of games themselves.


I would be extremely grateful if you could spare a couple of minutes of your time and complete this survey (located at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/football-recession ). It comprises 18 questions and should only take 2 or 3 minutes to complete. I am aiming to get responses from fans of every league club in the country.


It would be of huge benefit to me if you could help with this. If you have any questions (or, indeed, something to say on the subject), feel free to contribute them to this thread & I’ll do my best to answer them.


Mods – I hope this is in the correct part of your forum, thanks.


Thank you, & good luck for the rest of the season!





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