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Everton Supporters Trusts Safe Standing Survey

Simon Magner

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Everton Supporters Trust (EST) have taken the decision to survey the Everton fan base on their thoughts and feelings around “Safe Standing”.

In recent weeks with the successful installation of “Rail Seating” in Celtic Park the debate around “Safe Standing” has increased within the national game with Clubs like Manchester United showing an interest and the Liverpool Supporters Union recently passing a resolution at their latest AGM to investigate their own supporters thoughts and feelings on the subject . Safe Standing is an emotive subject for football fans and non-football fans alike within this City and EST intend to take an approach to the subject in what we feel is a respectful and inclusive manner.

For Evertonians in particular, a potential new stadium has been a hot topic in recent weeks with the Board of Directors and Mayor of the City meeting regularly and viewing potential sites for a new build. EST believe that the time for Evertonians to discuss and debate “safe standing” is ripe and are keen make the first steps in this process.

To achieve this EST has worked closely with the Football Supporters Federation (The FSF) to come up with a number of questions in a short survey which should hopefully give EST a better understanding on Evertonians opinions on the subject of "Safe Standing".

The survey will run online for a month encompassing both Swansea and Manchester United home games at which EST representatives intend to also personally gauge the opinions of match going Blues, with the results of the survey to be fully released and shared with the Club in the weeks that follow.

EST would like to encourage as many Evertonians as possible to take the time to fill in this survey so both the Trust and the Club have a better understanding of the opinions that Evertonians have relating to the subject.

The survey should take no more than a couple of minutes to complete and can be found by clicking the link below:


Thank you for your continued help and support.


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