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Xpert11 League


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Alright everyone.. got a proposition.


I have my own private league on a website called xpert eleven, dunno if u have heard of it or not?

its basically an online football management game, its pretty good.


Anyway as i said i've got my own league on it, and im looking for more teams to make up the numbers, anyone fancy having a go? if so continue reading.. lol..






thing is i've noticed a lot of football forums across the country have their very own private league on xpert eleven, so how about we make this our one? everton fans only.. its a possibility


just a suggestion like.. thing is its really addictive once u get used to it and i guarentee it will be a hit, so why not give it a go?

its fairly easy to understand. You select your teams and tactics and that's it.


You don't actually play the game, it simulates them for you and you can view them back Football Manager stylee.


Anyway, to join my ToffeeTalk (why not) League, you need to sign up to Xpert Eleven and then select Search and under Search for League enter "125154" then register a team.


Need 3 more teams to become active..

heres the link www.xperteleven.com



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is it any good?


been playing managerzone recently. it's pretty good.


suppose everyone's waiting for FM Live next year though eh?


probably, cept this is free and doesnt take over ur life as much haha.


the offer for the above league is still open btw.

& a random league i run for just about anyone too, anyone is welcome to join, sign up and the league ID is 123435.



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