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Posts posted by tolne

  1. I exaggerate sometimesunsure.png . Ineffective would have been fairer.


    Imagine if it was Matt Damon pretending to be Bily since his debut season and that's why we thought he was so shit. Speaking of Matt Damon, I thought the book was better than the movie.


    I really wouldn't compare Mirallas to Bily based on what little I've seen of Kevin... but little being the key word here obviously.

  2. Personally I like to get involved in banter with reds in america because they don't actually know anything haha.


    Same for Canada. In my experience some of the more intelligent football discussion I've had were with a Real Madrid supporter (shocking, I know), a Bayern fan, Benfica fan and some Arsenal fans. Man Yoo, Chelski and Shite fans have been some of the most ignorant and idiotic people I've talked to about football (among other conversational topics).


    In my last conversation with the kopite regarding football was when I got a series of texts when we lost the semi against them. It went something like this:


    Kopite: jellibitch, u lst lol

    Kopite: hw do u like them 35m then lol

    Kopite: u thot it was bad buy ryt lol

    Kopite: great asst frm dustin lol



    Me: dude, learn how to type. And I'm glad Carroll finally came through for you, asshole


    This is just one of the many retarded scenarios I have to deal with on a regular basis. Oh, we've had an argument on why Downing, Henderson and Adam were a bad purchase and why Dalglish has failed given the amount of money he spent and the results he achieved. I am not sure how one can argue this...

  3. Not exactly, I've been watching him since his early Lille days, he always looked promising but never really delivered. In Greece that changed and the fans are behind him but nowadays there isn't much difference between the Greek League and the SPL, it's rapidly declining. Olympiakos towers above the rest so it's a bit easier to score than back at Lille/Saint-Etienne or on International level. If he would sign I wouldn't expect him to score more than 5 goals in a full season.




    Au contraire my friend, I think Everton might be my most watched team since Fellaini joined, think I watched around 30 games last season.


    Jeesh, you're cheerful. I really hope you are wrong, though. For our sake if he does sign. I myself am not too much of an optimist but for whatever reason I'm still excited for him to don the Everton shirt

  4. It's all wrong and we will continue to struggle to compete with the technical sides while we put so much emphasis on the physical side. What's wrong with having a blend? Say having a destroyer next to a player with the silky skills. One player does the less glamourous things while the other showcases their silky skills. You have to have a balance.


    Some how my first part of the reply got cut out when I posted... grrrr


    Anyway, what I was going to say was that I think this kind of balance is exactly what England fails to see as the perfect progression in their style of play - Beauty and the beast they should call it. "Beast" central mid paired with the "beauty" central mid to play off each other where the beast would win the ball and hold the ball, opening up space for the beauty to utilize the space and spray the ball around the park as they see fit. This would be an ideal kind of set up no? (apologies for a cheesy analogy...)

  5. As an example...Arteta was touted. He said he would have been interested. Media out-cry that a Spainard shouldn't play for England. Why not? We do it in other sports, Cricket (Pietersen), Rugby (Tuilagi) and now Cycling (Hindes). Football is a sport like most and if you want to win, you need the best players. If they're ellegible...we should snap them up.


    I thought the FIFA ruling (although the FA didn't ultimately want Arteta playing in an English shirt) was that he's not eligible as he had played in the youth setup for Spain while he did not hold a British passport? Or was that all just smokescreen?


    We are also the only country that seems to accept African decendents but noone else? Germany have Turks, Polish and even an English-man (Holtby). We are too scared of ruining the 'image' of English football by using ellegible players within our teams.


    Often times I feel that the image of what constitutes what an "English" player is get in the way of the FA selecting the best players available.


    At the end of the day it all comes back to balance - you can't just ditch the style of the team completely and try and mould it to what is working in the international tournaments as it would NOT work just like that. They need to take the successful and useful bits of the football styles around the world and add to the core "English" style of game - still physical but with a touch of class and skill.

  6. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/18804/7845854/Respect-your-elders


    So whilst giving this old article a glance (I don't know how I got there), I stumbled upon this in the comment section:




    I disagree, Butch. I can't help thinking that England's number 1 concern is a worrying lack of class and ability on the ball. It's all very well saying we need our experienced players to qualify for the world cup, but it's only 2 years away and if we use them in qualification there's going to be an obvious pull towards playing them at the world cup. I personally think that England's young players would have a successful qualifying campaign, and even if they didn't, then I don't think it's the end of the world. When we didn't qualify for the USA tournament in 94' we thought the worst but then in 96' and 98' at least the team showed plenty moments of class and potential. I think we need to start seeing international football in a completely different light, away from that which shines on the premier league week in week out. I'm a big fan of players like Scott Parker, Steven Gerard, James Millner etc and I believe they give 110% for the cause; but i also believe that giving your all should be the minimum we expect from a player pulling on an England strip, not something to be particularly optimistic about. We are so quick to build up these players as 'greats' but I think we've been trained to think that way. Chris Waddel was great, Glen Hoddle was great, Peter Beardsly was great and Gazza was in a league of his own. Where are the new versions of this group? It's been long enough, hasn't it? I believe that the new plan should be this:You can only play for England if you show signs of being a truly classy player on the ball, an elite group of chosen ones. Gather them now and I think we have hope. And,once gathered, why not get the squad to meet up say once a fortnight to talk, bond, discuss, pass a ball about, pure ball-work? The players are there:Baines, Richards, Wiltshire, Frimpong, Joe Cole, Oxlain, Zaha, Welbeck are but a few. Given time, surely a group like this would light up any tournament. I can but dream.


    Just wondering what people here think? I've never been much of an England supporter but I find myself "pulling" for them (might have something to do with Everton wink.png ). Watching their games I always wonder the state of the English football development ideologies and how flawed it seems. Yes they reached the quarters this year at the Euros and all things considered - coach change, bunch of controversy re: Terry vs Ferdinands - but is that really good enough?


    This comment seemed to hit a chord in that regard where there's a bit of a dinosaur view of developing and using the through and through "English" player. Why not try and expand the style and develop players perhaps better suited to international football? Maybe then the English national team will once again have players resembling the former greats and be able to better compete against the Spains, Germanys, Brazils and the Argentinas in international tournaments.


    Anyway, this is just a built up impression based on the England games I have watched.

  7. So We've paid 4 mortgages off whilst operating at a loss of £5m a year before player sales.... Blimey, give elstone a knighthood.


    I just did a balance transfer, cleared 4 store cards, just the one bill to pay now - get in there!!!


    We pay for our transfers with store cards now?


    Dammit, how do I change the fonts? I'm just being silly I suppose

  8. Arsenal will come too late, cause Kevin Mirallas is apparently going on a medical at Goodison Park tomorrow. He can't come on a medical and then decide to go to the competition. By the way, Mirallas will want to play, and at Everton he'll get way more chances and he knows that.


    Arsenal will go for Llorente instead. Not sure if they'll seal the deal, but I think that's where their focus will be.


    A bit worried that Arsenal now have the funds to hijack the deal but hopefully Marouane put in a good word in and he wants to play

  9. In order to figure it out, you'd have to look at all sides of the arguments, not just the bits you want to see....


    But yeah, essentially the figures are published each year so it can be roughly worked out. 1 thing we dont know is whether the club are working on new deals (they usually are) or whether players will get bored / want a new challenge / want a bigger pay check / etc....


    Yeah I was just being sarcastic. Again. Maybe I should start putting in those eye rolling smiley faces.


    But in all seriousness I agree with you that it's relatively straight forward to make out a rough fiscal picture for the club - yes we need to appease the banks, yes we need to get players off the books before we get new ones but given the recent activities we're not in that bad of a shape at all. Of course we don't know the exact numbers but ball park is doable.

  10. could ask the same of you? I wouldve thought 4 mortgages paid off, a massive TV deal kicking in and millions off the wage bill, plus 15.5m coming in and only 4.5m spent so far....


    Hmmmmmm....... Dont have to be a financial expert to work that out. Oh, and as for the 5m loss, I refer you to the record TV deal again.... Oh, and EVERY club has to sell players to finance new signings. Every club. Its called business and its how business works. We have done it more than other clubs in the past but its nothing out of the ordinary.


    Cheer up Haf, things are actually looking up!


    edit: in case youve not seen the TV deal figures, read the 1st paragraph (the 1st article I could find):




    Wait a tick! Does that mean that we can all.... figure it out? GASP

  11. ? He havent been signed yet. Not sure is even the offer accepted. Some sources say so, and that medical should be tomorrow, but we will see.


    I read somewhere that he had a release clause between £5.5-6 m? Maybe that's why they're saying that the fee has been "agreed"?

  12. So maybe I got caught up in all that first option bullshit on Adam Johnson (or maybe I was just not wanting to bother with the names I wasn't familiar with - Niang and Mirallas) but upon reading more up on this kid and Mirallas, I think the Rodwell sale could well end up being a very important and squad-strengthening one! Anyone feeling optimistic about the chances of at least one of Niang or Mirallas happening or even BOTH!?

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