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Posts posted by CMorley91

  1. The following managers I believe are more tactically astute than Moyes and would do a better job:










    Would need to see more of Laudrup before I'd put him in that bracket. He's done a great job at Swansea but wouldn't form an opinion that he's better than Moyes after only seeing him for half a season.

    Never been a fan of Jol, but think thats more personal opinion rather than any statement on his talents.

    And I would not let 'Arry within a hundred miles of Everton. After Portsmouth first, QPR if they go down will be in the same situation (Mostly Hughes fault but he certainly contributed). Also just think he is over rated, and last season was found out towards the end.

  2. Just saw MOTD, really did make it look like city were just unlucky.... Typical

    One thing that was great that I hadn't picked up on at the time was a corner Vic won in the second half after some good play with Gibson and Coleman, when Baines was waiting for the corner, they showed Vic in the middle, bent double. Clearly absolutely wrecked, and he still ran himself into the ground for the 10 mins after. Exactly the kind of leave it all on the pitch attitude I love to see from players

  3. From Infostrada: Lee Probert is the referee today. Man City have not lost any of the last 10 matches he has refereed in all competitions (8 PL).


    Not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything here but....

  4. I am somewhat concerned under a "Grass is always Greener" logic, but Haf, I thoroughly agree. Personally will always have a soft spot for Moyes but thats entirely a personal feeling. Think I agree with every other word spoken on your post.

    I'm at a point at where I'm getting more and more confident that I wont, and don't want to, see him here next year. I do not like the thought of us just being used as a nothing better came along club, as this is a problem I can see reoccurring every year he is with us. Everyone knows he wants to move on, so why let the uncertainty drag on? Especially given the quite obvious impact its currently having on the team.


    I'm a big Moyes fan, would have been happy to see him stay on, but I think he's done too much damage to his rep with the players for this season, and dont want to see the same will he wont he thing dragging on all summer, and next season too. Hope I'm wrong on this issue and he can turn it around and make a proper commitment, but just cannot see it happening.

  5. Absolutely shocking.... Serious lack of effort on part of the players.

    Think Moyes has questions to answer with regards motivation and orginisation, but the main fault has to fall with the players.

    Whats sickening is its the "Big Names" on the team who were so poor. Pienaar was utterly anonymous, Felli was muck, Baines kept very quiet and Osman was just poor all round.

    Thought we would have a problem when i saw Neville starting, but there is no excuse for this.

    Our season is falling into mediocrity so if any of our big names don't fancy playing, cant help but feel we should leave them out.

    I know results like this happen, thats the appeal of cup games, but going out without even a whimper is just not good enough

  6. Ah, what a lovely treat to find after a terrible day in work, transfer off....

    Can't fault the club for how they handled it, if they had said nothing and the twitter picture of him on his way over did the rounds I wouldn't be too happy about the lack of communication.

    Hopefully we can pull something out of the bag, but I worry that other clubs knowing we have in the region of 8 million, even in installments, will bump up any fee for another player.

    Can see the rationale behind the clubs reluctance though. Gibson has had his injury problems, Mirallas has missed as much as he has played, Coleman seems to be picking up a few knocks, and god knows Vic has had his injury problems so it would probably terrify them to add another injury prone player into our wafer thin squad. Would have been a gamble, and hopefully one we wont regret taking.

    Hopefully now we can bring in someone else, and not a last minute panic buy. Although I really don't see that as DM's style.

  7. Know almost nothing about this lad but I'm optimistic. Being capped for a strong Dutch team is a good sign and I'm going to trust Moyes knows what hes doing here.

    Interested to see who starts in centre mid if everyone is fit though. Gibbo Ossie Fellaini and himself all can't play..... Surely not....

  8. I'm still disappointed with the Heitinga sub. Even if we were winning, too often Moyes brings on a negative sub when we're winning and it bites us on the arse, Distin on for Jelavic against Fulham in the final minutes still haunts us and may cost us come the end of the season. We got lucky today, Moyes went for the draw against a team in the lower division even though it was still 11 v 11 and he had attacking options available. It Moyes adverse mentality that will stop him from ever becoming one of the greats.


    Coudnt agree more, much as it was an out of jail sub it doesn't mask the other problems we have had this season. But I am willing to give Moyes the benefit of the doubt, probably for too long into the future.

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