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Posts posted by L_Blue

  1. Jus read on Newsnow that we will offer McFadden and 7 mil for Johnson wouldn't mind that deal if it happened as long as we got another cheaper striker in as cover. However, is McFadden "I am worth 20k+ a week" really going to be prepared to drop down to the championship I don't think so.

  2. We should have had another striker in the England team I mean take Hargreaves if you want but don't take Hargreaves and Jenas. First choice mid Lamp Gerrard Becks and Cole, if we get an injury Aaron Lennon will come in Carrick or one of maybe Hargreaves or Jenas. I guarantee even if we have an injury crisis one of Hargreaves or Jenas won't get a game all tournament.

  3. Ah well it is annoying that PES doesnt have the official license but since I got it on the PC I just waited for a couple of months and got a superpatch which updated everything and gave all the teams proper kits. When PES 6 comes out in Oct/Nov I will be getting it and will have to put up with crappy kits again but after a couple of months I'm sure someone will put up a patch with proper kits.


    here is a shot of my version of PES 5 as it is at the moment. This patch also changed all the ball designs pitch types and ad boards so it even advertises Fifa 06 :D if you look in the background. Oh and that's my edited version of Arteta in case you couldn't guess ;)

  4. if we get AJ and another half decent striker McFadden can sling his hook right now, I know better the devil you know etc but if McFadden thinks he is something special we can replace him right away with <Insert name of any average striker here> If we get AJ and have Beatts fit I am guessing those will be first choice front 2 and then even if we lost McFadden big Vic or Vaughn (if he is ever back) could fill in ok. Buy a decent forward top priority and then sort out the defence. Oh, and all this talk of Nolan I know he scores q a few from midfield but is he very creative or very quick? Those are the two things I think we need from a midfielder at the mo and if he doesnt fill either of those isn't he just going to take Cahill's role in the side?

  5. I agree shitty text typing or piss poor attempts to spell shouldn't be tolerated I mean who actually thinks that is spelled dat and mate ffs 'mate' is only 2 more key presses is your time that precious that you can't afford to press them all? Plus actually on topic would like Johnson to sign and lets hope Jordan doesn't thy to rip everyone off with this deal.

  6. Girlfriend In a Coma by Douglas Coupland was one of the best books I have read in the past few years. American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis is good but a bit graphic and disturbing in places, also read his latest 'Lunar Park' which was so so. Just started reading 'The Sorrow Of War' by Bao Ninh because I got it for 25p from the Student's Union along with Supersize Me on DVD, Dune on DVD and a copy of the guardian :D Agree with Lord Of The Rings being great think Jackson made mainly the right choices by removing Tom Bombadil and removing the scouring of the shire in the films since return of the king the book kinda concludes in book 1 of return of the king and then the entire second half is "and we walked home and passed some trees and said hello to Tom and walked a bit more" which seemed like a bit of an anti-climax compared to the rest of the book. On the other hand wasn't sure about the way he changed the two towers tho. And on the subject of Anti Consumerism NO LOGO was pretty good but not much of a pick up and relax for a bit kinda book ;)

  7. In the one season when we didnt own him he was ok didn't set the world alight and couldn't shoot for shit but he wasn't a bad player he was a tidy footballer who could play a decent pass I reckon he must have had q a few assists in that first season. After he signed for us he became crocked and has been unfit ever since really. But loads of you are saying he is shite etc I never thought he was that bad just an average player. I mean season before last Carsley played well but before that he was pretty shite. I'm not Tie's hugest fan but just cos he was crocked doesn't mean he was totally shite I mean we have lots of other average players no worse than tie Carsley Naysmith Pistone Davies :(

  8. Not sure if this is a bit obscure but there is a classic japanese anime by Hayao Miyazaki the guy who directed Spirited Away (It won an Oscar a couple of years ago) called Castle In the Sky guess that could be one. But maybe Kingdom of Heaven is more realistic for a mainstream quiz

    oh and the money pit bottom left think that cake may be layer cake too the elephant man the hole maybe too....


    umm thats it I'm going to bed anyway

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