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Posts posted by rowlo-efc

  1. :huh: fellow RS, what a baffoon you are,


    Cant we get rid of the gimps before they fook the board up like last time, there all coming out of the woodwork again




    Let them gloat between themselves..who cares.


    'we dont care what the redshite say....'


    Sort your own club out before you knock ours (or anybody elses).


    Pete Sampara (21,000 badges on one coat (sad twat))

    Peter Crouch (aka Crouchinho)

    Stevie G Laaa (yeah but no but)

    Benitez (show me the way to real madrid)

    and last but by no means least...the legend that is....


    Harry Kewell


    You can come on here and gloat all you want when you have won the league, beaten us, we have been relegated and you managed the FA cup, coka cola cup and CL.


    Until then - just to annoy you fuckwits - YOUR NO BETTER THAN US!!!! :)


    And the truth hurts!!


    Chelsea 4 Liverpool 1

    Fulham 2 Liverpool 0

    Leading RS goalscorer .....?? Well its not the magician crouch.



    But after all this - I guarantee that the RS comeback will be.....



    5 times, we've won the CL 5 times, we've won the CL 5 times....


    yeah - great thing history...but thats all it ever is HISTORY.


    Facts are...


    you haven't scored a goal in the prem from open play...

    you have no money

    you cant start the building of your new stadium yet (cant get a grant)

    you have 750,000 loyal fans but are yet to pack out your stadium (even against Chelsea in the CL)

    You ran at a 15m loss before winning 21m (30m euro) for the CL

    Harry Kewell takes 1.5m every year on image and loyalty bonuses - before even being paid his 2m per year tax free salary

    gerrard is being paid £120k a week for picking splinters out of his arse on the physio table

    Garcia is gay...


    hmmm...money trouble....sounds like EFc 10 yrs ago..


    So are you really any different...??



  2. i think the foul came partly through frustration.  cahill and SWP had just been running along together with a bit of 50/50 pushing which resulted in SWP falling and sliding on the ground, while he got up very quickly he clearly tried to make up for being beaten by getting straight in there with a tackle which was a bit too late.


    as has been said, any doubts over weather it was a penalty or not in anyones mind could be quashed by seeing Shaun shaking his head afterwards, clearly frustrated with himself!


    cracking penalty.


    the celebration looked a little gay to me!  if i had a "they think it's all over" style explantion to it then maybe i'd get it!


    Who cares what the celebration was like - he scored! A result! a great penalty! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! (sorry - I watched gladiator last night on CH5)

  3. actually. we shouldnt give him too many games. let him progress and mature slowly and drip feed him in to the first team. because the last thing we need is another rooney.

    Yeah - I agree that he needs nurturing - he's still a young lad, infact a boy! - he's probably not lost his virginity yet!


    If he is good enough though - if he has the arrogance needed to face top defenders, then we should give him his chance.

  4. For feck sake bunny, I dont know how long you've been looking on this forum but we had a real problem with these glory hunting oxymoronic, condesending, piss on each other, multiple badge wearing, season ticket holding, kopshites, and now you have to go and say that, you know they dont like that.


    But then, what sort of reception do you expect on an evertonian site :huh:


    Funny, how they all went missing after they got humiliated at home by chelsea, not that their glory hunters or nothing

    Yeah -


    Fulham 2 - 0 Redshite


    ITs funny how its all gone quiet again.


    (Bunny - lay off the 'murdering scum' bit - its not really called for and we do share our city and, in some cases, our streets/roads/homes with RS supporters and people effected by past horrfic events - so please leave it out).


    On the other hand -


    are the RS any better than us...?


    Can't score in open play. Got beat by Chelsea 4-1 Got done by Fulham 2-0 - Crouchinho the magician is yet to score. Gerrard is injured and doesn't really want to be there (threatened by the mob!). Garcia is gay. Benitez is after a role at real madrid. Fans are badge wearing, scarf swinging, glory hunting gobshites...


    As we sang at the chelsea game (to the chelski fans - who didn't fill their allocation) - 'WHERE WERE YOU WHEN YOU WERE SHIT?'


    Yes - that also goes out to the 750,000 fans that are loyal supporters of the red half of merseyside.


    When you were last in the 'old 2nd division' - your gates were less than 15,000 (when top games @ Goodison were attracting 50,000 (all standing then before you try a witty comment like 'theres only 40,000 seats)).


    So for a club that is supposedly 'going places' - with fans during pre-season boasting how good Reina was, and how us bluenoses should 'watch us go' this season - well I'm still waiting for this big steam rolling of the league....


    is it going to happen? No chance...


    Redshite are not going to win the league and they have no better a chance at it than we do...


    truth is, Skunks, spurs, charlton and the top three all bought well this year and have all gelled into better teams than the RS - RS will be lucky to get uefa - only reason they will is because Man city and Middlesborough aren't really performing either!


    So- As I have said before to the badge wearing, scarf swining gobshites - SORT YOUR OWN HOUSE OUT BEFORE YOU CRITICISE OURS.


    See ya!

  5. Teddy Sheringham, Nigel Martyn, Andrew Cole, Zola .. the list is endless





    Why not buy an 'out-of-date' good striker - sometimes they come good because they think that they have a 'new lease on life'


    Andy Cole - career was all but dwindling and then City snapped him up...I can remember thinking that it was a bad move by Pearce - But i have already been proven wrong. :huh:


    What about Vaughan - he has to 'emerge' at some point. (I know that he is injured until November) - but he looked alright against Palace last year and he looks alright for the reserves - is it time to throw him into the fray and see whether he is a man or a mouse!?

  6. dont get me wrong i admire lampard as a player, he is better then gerrard IMO and it was a good goal i sed so to my bro after it went it, typical lampard goal, he scores them for fun these days, i just wouldnt applaud meself, each to their own though  :huh:


    Fair enough!


    I just like to give credit where it is due - and if that means I have to do it with my tail between my legs - then so be it!


    It was a great goal that saved the blushes of the mighty russian army! bah!


    Although I would have settled for a draw at the start of the match - I can't help but think that we could have won and possibly should have won!

  7. i would say sad, very sad, he looked as if he was joinin bloody so solid crew or sumfin! but he scored so he can think hes a gangster rapper if he really wants to IMO :huh:


    just watched the vid that DjDuffy posted - top quality - SWP's expression at the end is superb!


    The penalty is much better than I could remember (was begging that he DIDNT miss it)


    The celebration is great to see - Cahill is extatic!!


    I love it! :lol:

  8. sorry, but beattie still looks cr*p to me....would rather start with bent...

    thought BT played well against Chelsea - he was always giving Terry something to think about....


    I have said for a while that WE should have gone for Cole - as Fozzie says - one season wonder - but look what he is doing for Shity city.


    Oh well....


    Lets hope that BT starts to find the net - lets hope that he can stay on the pitch - give him a chance - I reckon 5 full starts on the 'trot' to see what he is really made of...If he hasn't scored after 5 starts, then I will accept that he is total poo!

  9. Thats top quality - 'magical touch'  :P   - must have lost his mojo at the moment though - or he needs a sprinkling of magic fairy powder - or has someone strapped a kryptonite necklace to him!?


    Must have lost his 'powers' some how!

    Sorry - back to the topic...


    I heard a runour that Moyes is being lined up for the Hearts job...


    I doubt that he will go though. He has been heavily criticised lately for the teams performances and lack of goalscoring.


    It looks like he made a good decision in taking the team and their families to the lakes for a 'bonding' session last week - its seems to have paid off - they looked like a 'unit' against Chelsea and there was a lot of 'on field' communication going on between the midfield and defence - good to see and good to watch the result of that hard work.


    Doubt that Moyes will go if he feels that he is starting to re-strike the right chords at EFC.

  10. nope, he was defo inside, even Jose said so and you could tell from SWP's reaction.


    i thought BT's celebration was errr...wicked!

    100% stonewall penalty (as Chris Kamara would say!)


    Inside the box - Cahill had the beating of SWP and he knew it.


    the John terry incident later on in the 2nd half looked a blatent hand ball from where I was sitting - i have not seen it on TV yet though! Moyesy said on radio on the way home that he thought it was a penalty (so it must have been?)


    Drogba - jose moaning that he wasn't offside - was he? Again, I have not seen the replays. - I think that Gudjohnson had a part to play in that ruling...


    BT's celebration - gutted - I sit in the park end and couldn't see it (too busy screaming and cheering anyway!) - was it bad/sad?

  11. no i wasnt either, i dont care if its a class goal, if its against Everton then im unhappy :P   i mite say its a good goal but i will never applaud a goal that takes points of Everton! the only goal ive ever clapped was when we beat villa and smeichael scored right at the end, we won and seein as hes a goalie ill give him that! :P

    I didn't cheer it - I would never 'cheer' for another club (boo them all the time though!) - but his strike was superb - he took it as it was rolling away from him - bang, bottom corner - outside of the box, big Nige got nowhere near it.


    It was a great strike and it was worthy of applause in my opinion. At the end of the day - I was not cheering the Chelsea goal but was cheering for the quality and skill of the strike - its what football is all about and it was worthy of a clap.


    I mean, I cheer for lampard when he wears an England shirt - he is a fantastic footballer and so much better than Gerrard is...


    His work rate is excellent, his reading of the game is excellent, his movement is excellent - so when he pops up and scores a screamer like the one against us, you have to take it on the chin...

  12. yeah he was on the bench, well he came out at half time so i presume he was! ive gone off bent, when he first came altough he is never gonna be a top quality striker his work rate was never in question. He now looks to get in sulks if it doesnt go his way and looks half arsed most of the time now. Maybe thats why hes had the amount of clubs he has? i think if charlton do come in for him ( i heard a 1 million offer in jan) then i think we whould sell him, gives us an extra mill to prize away RK :P

    Not sure about Robbie Keane though - will our game suit his game? I'm not sure.


    Would prefer (and need) a poacher - and Nugent would be ideal as he seems to pop up when not expected - just like the good poachers in the game - owen, cole etc.


    Having said that, we also need somebody who can accurately shoot from the edge of the box - Davies had a good effort against Chelski but that was about it from outside of the box - it never really troubled Cech though!


    We just need someone who is going to sit in the opposition defense and cause them trouble. we seem to get 'sucked' into our own defence a lot and we hardly ever leave anyone upfront to cause problems on the counter attack (although BT and arteta made chelski shake yesterday as they countered very, very well).

  13. Should be 2-1 for Toffees if a second penalty has been awarded for Terry's handball. Although not a good passing game from the Toffees, they did superbly well to defend throughout the game.

    I thought that we played well given the circumstances...


    Countries best team. Probably the most 'on-form' team in Europe at the moment playing the countries worst team and probably the 'least on-form' team in europe at the moment...


    Arteta was superb down the right.

    Cahill was very sharp and caused them problems (hence the reason they took him out)

    Valente had a good passing and tackling game (Hence the reason they took him out)

    Ferguson caused no end of trouble (hence the reason they took him out)


    Yobo was fantastic - Drogba and Crespo couldn't cope with the physical battling. Ferrari came on and was tactically very good - got forward very well and tackled brilliantly at times.

    Weir - although old, was very reliable and his experience came into the fold towards the end when he was telling the younger lads to calm and slow down to get the much deserved point.


    Davies - when he came on, looked lively and attacked the ball and closed down well...


    Okay - we let Chelsea in a few times - but then thats what you can expect from the best team in the league - they will attack you all game. I can sit here and type proudly that the Chelsea team was at full strength (except for Duff - replaced with Cole!) and their substitutions were also potentially deadly. But it wasn't to be...


    the Guttsy Everton performance was worthy of the point at the end of the game and nothing Mouriniho can say will change the fact that his side were on a knife edge against us and it showed - Terry was happy hoofing the ball away at times just to stop the Everton attacks. It was great to watch and the atmosphere was electric.


    Moyes took the team to the lake district - his reasoning?!?! the new players had not really met with the old players properly - no social gathering - Ferrari and Valente's wives had not met the other players and other wives - the team needed some 'quality' time and I think that Moyes gave it to them by taking them to the lakes.


    I sincerely hope that this is the turning point to a good season. They can bask in the restored confidence today - hopefully! :P

  14. i never said we would win but said i would get behind them no matter the score


    and if ya know yer history...


    Its enough to make your heart go....woooo.Fook this its too much to take...


    I will be there on Sunday - I will sing and I will support the blues no matter what - I have a season ticket - But if I didn't, not sure that i would pay for a ticket to watch us get beat...

    (but theres ALWAYS a chance of winning - ALWAYS) :D

  15. i'd rather be playing up front than him at the moment.


    at least i never shirk a fuckin game.  I don't think i've ever missed a game through injury, though I play left mid and not up front i'd sure as hell play more games tha him!


    the lad could be as good as shrek or henry for all i care but if he's gets himself injured every time he walks on a blade of grass then he's no good to anyone.


    Listen - its only a dead leg - my missus gives me one all the time :lol:


    He will be ready for Chelsea - and it aint all that bad...


    Crouch?! for example.

  16. i thought we were different to other clubs coz we've been through alot over the last 10 years


    we've gone from the high's cup final 95 and finishing just outside europe to arsenal and wimbeldon (could also be classed as a low really but think it was more of a high)


    we've been through prob more lows wimbeldon (season) and all the other relagtion fights, peter Johnson, being told we were in 20 or 30 mil debt they lieing from the board


    ok i could go on with the lows but what i'm trying to say is i thought we were better because we are not like the likes of other clubs were as soon as abit of trouble comes along and were crying for the bosses head i thought evertonians were the thinking mans fan (ok only because we have had to have been over the years) but as soon as we get a bit of a sniff at something good we think were european champs instead of the red shhh it we thought we would go past villreal and go straight into group stages never happened thought oh it a formality agianst bucharest no and then were in shhhh it after that and losing about 3 or 4 games and we start to say were in trouble which will obviously effect the players i know what i'm going to do on sunday, i'm going to go the match sing my heart out whether we are getting beat 7-0 or we are drawing 0-0 or even (optimistic) winning 1-0 and i'll try and show the lads that at least one of us have faith in them and that includes DM as well so lets back him and them and stop all this ........


    i'll let you fill in the gap thats me out and not posting on any of these negative threads until were in serious trouble


    I take your point...and I would love to be positive about the team but just can't find anything to be positive about.


    Arteta is back, VDM may show his face, Kroldrup may show his face, BT is back


    Is hibbert back?


    If we are getting done 4 or 5 nil, then I think Moysey will walk.

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