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Posts posted by rowlo-efc

  1. did anyone watch this game?


    sounds like VDM is keen to get into the first team after last night.  and he claims to have put some good crosses in.  saviour he may not be but god i'd love to see someone putting half decent balls in the box for us!


    i'd personally like to see him make the bench on sunday and if were getting slaughtered then he might as well come on for a run out.


    if were some how fighting for a draw or god forbid...are winning then obviously we'll leave him on the bench.

    Some good crosses - still a draw on the night though - with 3 potential superstar first teamers...


    I aint holding my breath!

  2. Its always puzzled me why reter ried has never given a shot at managing Everton

    Yeah - me too. Does he know something that we dont?

    I always thought that we should have snapped him up for the job before Walter Smith - but then it wasn't to be was it? (i remember talks with Andy Gray - how desparate where we then!)


    Peter Reid - Stalwart in midfield, stalwart in management. I would have him over anybody else if Moyes was to resign... :lol:

  3. its breaking my heart to see people in charge of our club, who think mediocrity is fine.


    This line from wookies post sums things up


    I have seen someone on here "celebrate" our last day escapes..sorry thats not something to celebrate,its something to mourn over the mediocre side we have become.


    And me and rowlo wasted enough space discussing the "ability2 of wyness,he's a fool(wyness :lol: )a trained chimp could do better than that man.

    :lol: think that I'm gonna take the 5th amendment on this one!


    shut up and put up! :lol:

  4. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/05-06/comm.../056-traill.asp


    good little article that, highlights are lack of depth ( i know we all ready knew that but it just makes you think even more!!)



    Good article for once from toffeeweb - infact its quite a positive article - which is immensley rare on toffeeweb - it is normally the Everton grave yard.


    I think that we could all do with reading this article and taking on board this guys valid points.


    Its time to be positive again :(



  5. I'm finally going to have my rant about Everton, well not about the Club itself


    i'd be here forever, im going to direct it at one man, and that man is Keith Wyness


    wait i hear you cry what has Keith done to deserve this, its more like what he hasnt done.


    Now my idea of his job is to try and develop and further the Everton 'Brand' and try to secure investment/funding for the current manager to develop the squad and there may be more to his job description, but i think there most important to the club


    Has he achieved any of this? or is he too busy replying to emails or monitoring Everton sites for fans, who have had enough of the mediocre sh*te fed to them by our club, and threating them to send the boys round if they continue in voicing their dissaproval at the club/manager/ticketing policy etc etc


    We had our best opportunity in years to attract investment after last season, finishing 4th, so where was it keith, what were you doing all summer, fu*k all i guess


    why wasnt he contacting anyone with a bit of money to come on board invest in a team on the up, now we really have missed that opportunity.


    Another point, we have in a fan, Sir Terry Leahy CEO of Tesco, who over saw a year where Tesco reported a pre tax profit of £1.2bn a rise of 14.1% now why isnt anyone asking him for ideas, on how to raise the brand, or if he knows any investment groups in the city, why arent the club using is business accumen.


    and what was wrong with Trevor Birch, he managed to get someone to buy Leeds,

    and Keith couldnt find anyone, that doesnt wash with me


    there you are, it may not read good, as its a rant, but its helped


    i may respond to your comments, that is if Keith hasnt seen it already and sent the boys round to shut me up




    This is where I do disagree with you and other fans (fozzie :( )


    KW was brought to the club in October last year (now been here a year). His role was not easy - he had a club that was going under, just sold their prized calf, were the laughing stock of the city and the league, tipped for relegation and had a board that couldn't even agree on whether they wanted coffee or tea at their meetings.

    Other than for the love of the club, I would not have taken on the role.

    He set out a plan (which you can read about on bluekipper.com if you look hard enough) that included


    raising the fan base

    raising the spend per fan

    raising far east awareness

    new homeshirt every season

    increase season ticket holders

    Increase fan communication


    These have all been successful - okay, they have been largely helped by the teams good fortune and morale - but you could argue that the stability that KW brought to the board HAS made it easier for DM to communicate with them over the team etc.etc.


    On another note - the CEO of tesco (Terry Leahy) is a NON-executive director of Everton football club and forms part of the BK buying group, true blue holdings.

    He therefore does have some input into the general running of our club.


    ANyway - Wyness - I personally think that he has done a good job during his first year at the club. He is a mouth piece - but then a CEO always is.He talks to the fans every month (CEO say on website) and answers emails very quickly.

    He has also spoken with fans groups and began to set up a fans council - of which anyone can be a member.

    He has also set up a complaints procedure and every month issues a table showing where the bulk of complaints are and how long it has taken to deal with them.


    His remit from the top was obvioulsy to sort out the clubs financial and off field problems - there was no structure to the club off the field and he has stabilised that greatly. There are no focal points - people you can contact for a specific query - such as Rita London for corporate services. mark Rowan for web and IT services etc.etc.


    He has made mistakes - but then anyone would - especially coming from a club like Aberdeen to Everton...


    by and large he hasn't actually performed that badly - he has managed the extra money well and this year DM was given £20m or so to spend - so he aint actually done that poorly - has he!?

  6. Unfortunately the original thread has been lost to server problems - but it was very funny!


    Crouchinho - as named by Jamie 'me knee hurts' Redknapp - sparked some debate with several members of the forum...


    After another superlative display for the RS at the weekend V blackburn - do we still think that he has the right to be in the ENGLAND squad, do we agree with Redknapps comments that this Crouch guy has the skill of Ronaldo and is in the same league as the Galacticos?!


    I think not - he's shit! :(

  7. 3-0 chelsea..but hopefully a decent fight is put up..or god alone knows what the score could be.


    Chelsea are a different class

    yeah - i was thinking 3-0 chelsea (and i have backed that!)


    If not then it will be 4-0 :( chelsea!


    We need to get amongst them and go out fighting - They will sit back and counter attack all game and just pick off goals as and when we push too far forward.


    Not a cat in hell's chance of actually scoring from open play - will need a big dunc header or an arteta free kick to notch up a goal i'm afraid.

  8. I fear getting 3 points from the russians playthings is *next* to impossible,i really can see them going unbeaten thru the season

    There is not a chance in hell of us getting three points from Chelsea - and they know it. Even if we were on form we wouldn't be looking at that fixture as a 'win' - Its not feasible - even I can see that!


    I think that we are in deep and although only 8 games have gone - there are 7 defeats in that and it doesn't look good from any angle...


    Something is upsetting the apple cart and something needs to change - we can't plod along and hope for the best - it simply will not work and it isn't football.


    Now, my originally post suggests that it is Moyes who must be changed - that is an assumption based on what I can see from the outside looking in through what can only be described as 'blacked out windows'. I can see only a small fraction of what really goes on - so I still think that there is a massive underlying problem, not necessarily afixed to DM, that is causing a stir off the field - and inevitably ...on the field and in the terraces. Someone is ruining the club and I can't point my finger at anyone in particular - but can point it at DM for certain things that he continually does or doesn't do...

  9. I see your point - and hope to the high heavens that you are right and that the team's current fortunes can be turned around.


    Iam (fozzie will tell you) an internal optimist - forever trying to see the positive side of things - but currently my blue tinted specs are off and I cannot see where the lads are going to get their next 3 points from.


    Its all good saying that the next game is Spurs then Chelsea - so we wont get nothing from them - but not many other teams will either - its small consulation to somebody that has been following the blues all of their lives and its not good enough. Regardless of the team we face, we should be looking to win - like we did last year - we always looked to win.


    And yes we did hang on last year - but thats exactly what we did do - hang on. We hung on other clubs took the precedence and added more points to their tally (Utd, Arsenal etc.) - if you want to consistently finish in the top 4-6 places then you have to be able to see off the likes of Wigan and Porstmouth at home - even if you are going through a bad patch. For Utd and Arsenal - a bad patch for them still means that they win 1-0 against these poorer clubs - for us it means we will be beaten. ANd thats the difference - thats the gap that has to be bridged - a bad run for UTd and they float around 5-8th place in the league - a bad run for us and we are bottom.


    We have nothing currently in the squad who will take the mantle and push us forward - noone player is standing out and making the difference - leading by example - I cant see anybody taking that mantle either.

    We have no goalscorer (and we havent had one for a while) and it shows - Cahill is tired and is not getting forward to score - and again, it shows and more than that - - it hurts.


    coming up with the outlandish statements regarding VDM and kroldrup is pie in the sky - they will not be our saviour - what we have available is what we have and they are the players that are going to have to dig us out of the shit!

    Its no good waiting for the 'striker' to come during the transfer window in january either - we simply can't wait that long. If we are not in double figures by then - we are properly fooked.


    I can take the stick from the RS - its not a problem and its nothing new for a long-term Everton fan...

    What I struggle to take is the fact that we simply can't win even the easiest of matches - and again morale is not a factor for me - the teams we want to be like still manage to score, even when morale is low.


    Okay - europe was snatched away from us - but then it is nothing more than a lucrative bonus competition and I am sure that lessons have be learnt for the next outing. We have then faced some good sides in the premiership - Man U - Bolton etc. But we did manage to do bolton - albeit on the back foot!


    We are not good at the moment and I can't see how Moyes can possibly turn it around. I think that the club is starting to shape up as a defensive unit - in the mould that DM liked as a player - and that is currently not a good thing because it tells me that he has exhausted his options and is reverting to what he knows 'deep down' - going back to his last option - his roots!


    This makes me wonder, in turn, whether or not he should step aside? I am after an intelligent conversation regarding this issue - not a bust up or a slanging match between RS fans taking the piss - so if you are and RS fan - stay away.


    Your reply, bluerob, sums up the team in its first sentence - - 'average players'

  10. After being stuck on a 2 day course on MSDS and Label writing for the US, canada and Asia Pacific, I was not able to get anywhere near the internet and therefore was rather lucky to have missed the seemingly frustrating problems with TT! (now resolved I hear you cry!


    But the good thing about being on a 2 day seminar/course is that you can scribble away quietly in the background - and yes I was bored. So here is my scribble - here are my thoughts and questions regarding the current situation on EFC.


    Is a change on the cards?

    In askingm yslef this question, I felt that a number of factors had to be considered for fairness more than anything.

    what does change actually do, is it always positive and how much change do you incorporate when looking for a quick fix?

    DM's current team are simply not performing. A bold statement which is not entirely true but judging results, can be made all the same! Certainly the results of late are far from inspiring but the actual performance and 'on field' displays are not reflective of the final result. But, nevertheless we are still losing - so there is a signficant problem.

    After much thought and continued disbelief (and almost agreeing with Fozzie), the problem lies solely with the management. 'In moyes we trust' is constantly echoed around the Goodison faithful but it is, unfortunately, wearing a bit thin for some.

    I am no professional footballer, I dont even play competitively so I can't really (accurately) comment upon individual player performance. I cannot comment upon whether Cahill IS actually tired, whether BT is unfit or why Kilbane cant find his pace. they all seem to be suffering the relevant symptoms when viewed from the stand (or on TV) and common sense tells me that they should be dropped until they are ready - which makes me believe (against my own will) that there is a much bigger problem at the club. It makes me ask the million dollar question...




    why is DM still starting and using these players. Why is Weir playing when we have a young Danish lad ready for action? Has DM lost (or losing) the ability to see what the 40,000 fans around him can see. Should you care to listen to DM's after-match analysis - then you would think that he was in-line with everyone else- he makes sensible comments and gives himself sensible targets - showing that he is watching the same game as the fans - interpreting it in the same way (almost) - so why does he still make the blindingly obvious mistakes? Why does he refuse to drop the Weir's/Cahill's/BT's of this world? Is it because he purchased them, is it because Weir is captain - is it all a pride thing - doesn't want to admit that he has been wrong these past weeks?


    Whilst writing this 'scribble' (and some of you may see it as nothing more) - I paused to realise that I was being negative toward the club I love and the manager. So I have to ask myself 'why' - and again the answer is simple.


    For me to be thinking in this way about a manager that took us to 4th and to our first European football in a decade shows that there is a massive problem - much bigger than first anticipated. That I/we ask these questions and attempt to find reason/cause/solutions to them tells it sown story - it is the fact that these questions CAN EVEN exist that is most important and most relevant...


    Someone, somwhere is not making the brave decisions. SOmeone seems to be a weak link at the moment - Is that weak link David Moyes?? the answer, regrettably, has to be YES.


    Is it time for some change?

  11. Tonight, since we are facing a 2-1 deficit which includes 2 away goals, the Blues can not feel the pressure of HAVING to win.


    Because...they dont have to.


    Nobody is expecting them to win, nobody is expecting them to get a result that will upset the Spaniards. Everyone knows that we can fall back on the Uefa cup and still have a good time in Europe.


    However, the Villareal have everything to play for - they have the advantage and CANT let it go, especially infront of the home crowd. If they concede a goal early on, the home crowd will really get on their backs and the performance from the girlie spaniards will be effected.


    We can only take advantage of that - especially if Cahill and Arteta are laid back about the evening.


    Getting up tight and pressurising the team is not the way forward.


    Look at the CL as a bonus for finishing 4th - how many times do you throw the 'bonus' away when your playing a fruit machine - doesn't bother you because its just an nice little 'added extra'.


    So, tongiht, if your not lcuky enough to have had a ticket, sit back - crack open a tinny, switch to ITV2 and support the blues in europe...


    Its all gonna be good!!!

  12. Behind every player there is a sneaky, coniving, low life called an agent.


    Owen may not have thought up the 'play for newcastle then lfc will sign me in a year' idea - but I bet his agent did!


    For the agent, its quids in - two moves in two years - CHING!


    All footballing 'sensational' moves are down to the agents.





    Gerrard (re-signing)




    Agents are the scum of the game and lower than a snakes belly.



    "Additional qualifiers

    Certain national champions which do not qualify for the UEFA Champions League in a particular season also participate in the same season’s UEFA Cup. In addition, the eight third-placed clubs at the end of the UEFA Champions League group stage drop into the UEFA Cup, entering the competition at the end of the group stage."



    This confirms that we would drop into the Uefa - at the start of the bizarre group stages (in Uefa you dont get to play everyone in your group - and some teams you only play away, and some only at home - really shit setup.).


    If we got into the CL tonight, we would still drop into Uefa if we came 3rd in the grp stages - as it says above...

  14. maybe its due to all that porn you have been downloading!! :P



    A CPU will hit 100% if...


    It i performing a resourceful task that causes a bottle neck between your CPU and Memory. (such as photo editing or SPYWARE).

    Viruses rarely attack the master boot record these days - its not worth it, can't ask for money if the computer is fcuked can they!?


    The other possible cause is overheating or irregular power input.


    It could be the case that your CPU fan is not working properly. CPU gets too hot, performance is sh1t. Take the side off your PC and check the fan is spinning.


    Otherwise, if you have a firewall and antivirus that starts 'on boot' with a wireless internet connection - you may find this is what is causing the extra CPU usage.


    The wireless (or even constant broadband connection if using a router rather than a direct modem) connection is permanently on, firing data to the computer as soon as it can accept it. When this is the case, the Firewall tries to arm itself as quickly as possible - this can cause the CPU to be pushed to its limits!!!


    Email is also a good one for doing this - as is MSN when it is configured to open upon starting windows...

  15. They are not even in Europe this season and even if we do go out tonight we are still in the UEFA cup.

    Think logically about it....


    The guy obviously only really wants to go back to Liverpool - before Rafa the Robber, he was treated like a god and was never out of the papers for good reason.


    If he comes back to the premiership - he cant sign for us - that will mean that HE WILL NEVER be able to go back to the RS.


    So, the alternative - sign for the skunks. Get a years deal, play every game and get into the world cup team. Newcastle end up mid table (again) but it doesnt matter. Make sure that he doesnt score against liverpool, and providing that his personal performance is good, Rafa will have gone to Real Madrid so whoever takes over will sign him back...


    It works out nicely only for Owen!

  16. i'd think so.  they can't really discriminate against small people!

    I've orderd mine!


    £30 on chelsea - and an Everton shirt.


    They do them in S - XXL. No child sizes...


    Their excuse - you have to be over 18 to bet, we can therefore only offer adult shirts (I think what they really mean is...we bought a load off the back of a lorry and these are the only sizes we've got)



  17. If the initial signs are an accurate guide, Benitez has pulled another master stroke in the transfer market.




    Xavier - what was the first 'master stroke' that Rafa the Robber pulled off, because I can't recall it - was it Nunez for Owen?


    Also - Sissoko was outplayed tonight against CSKA Sofia - he couldn't handle the tough tackling - 100% win record lost - and it was lost from the midfield - final ball to the lacklustre forwards was dreadful - hope Everton show the determination that Sofia did - something to be proud of even though it wasnt quite enough.


    Liverpool, got to say it, looked poor tonight.

  18. In response to the Tosser who insists upon disguising himself as a proper fan (i.e. an evertonian) - I think his name is 'blue'.


    Are liverpool better than Everton?


    Well - its obviously a matter of opinion.


    Yes Liverpool attract more players and seem to be linked with 'BIG' names - but then ANY club can sign the likes of Crouch or Cisse (and then give them the tag of the 'next henry') - any one can pay £60k a week for Kewell to sit on the bench and pull splinters out of his arse. - thing is not everybody WANTS TO DO THAT - IT ISN'T VIABLE IN TERMS OF RUNNING A BUSINESS.

    ANYONE can link themselves with a world class player - doesn't mean that he will sign a deal (hmm..Figo, Raul etc)


    I have just witnessed a shoking game of football, played by the supposed champions of europe and a part time Bulgarian team called CSKA Sofia.


    The result - 0-1 to Sofia - their small, under payed midfield ran circles around the Phenomenol Sissoko and Hamman and their defence made Cisse look - well, less than average.


    At the end of the night, Liverpool looked lost - AT HOME and the crowd could not even muster up the traditional anthem. Sad really - in fact pathetic.


    IF winning the CL and european cup means that the atmosphere at Goodison would disappear, the players wouldn't give two shites for the fans and the performances would be as bad as that - I DONT WANT IT - YOU CAN KEEP THE CL


    Liverpool are awful and are seriously facing problems up front. Step aside Barlow, here comes Morientes, closely followed by Cisse.

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