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Posts posted by java2001e

  1. got to say i had faith Valente would come good, to play in Mourinho's CL winning side aint no fluke!

    hope we can keep Ferrari, been impressed. i think Yobo has been one of our better players this term. and what ive seen of VDM i like, i hope he can do what BT did an get fit next year and show us some of that Ajax quality and flair we've heard about



    i look forward to seeing more of valente and ferrari. i think theyve got talent.


    graveson was a great loss and we havent found a good replacement for him.

  2. gambling is a problem in sport that can, and has in the past, led to corruption. booze hasnt.


    so i would say a brewery is a better sponsor than a gambling company.


    having said that i dont think booze should be sold at matches.


    most fans are responsible, its a case of the rest of us having to do without for the sake of the morons.

  3. Football is different now dont think you can graft a team in the way Forrest did and do that well.


    spurs seem to have done it under Jol!


    they were a side like us in the doldrums, but they seem to have become a feared side in less time than we have taken.


    if cash is a problem perhaps we should concentrate on survival and invest in a new stadium. the increased capacity would generate the cash we need to develop the team.

  4. after the sunderland and spurs game our season turnaround seems to have ended. we will probably finish around tenth spot.


    a month into the season most of us would have said we'll be fighting relegation!


    moysey has now had since march 2002 to turn things around and he has stopped the rot that we were suffering from.


    so whats next for us. do we have the cash and credibility to attract the class of players that will make us a real premiership force?


    does moysey have the quality, that brian clough had. to weld so-so players into a really great team?


    when cloughs players left to join other clubs they never did anything. a testament to cloughs incredible managerial quality. has moysey got that touch?


    we need to strengthen the side one way or the other. by cash or talent.


    have we got enough of either?


    a new stadium with a bigger capacity would create some of the cash we need. how big a priority should that be?

  5. it has to be said that there is a lot of childishness and immaturity among fans and the media always do their best to stir up rivalry in any local derby.


    its bad for the game. it puts the players under even more pressure and that leads to poor quality football and more fouls.


    it also puts pressure on the ref, who feels he has to take control and he makes poor decisions that can affect the outcome.


    this bad feeling doesnt end after the match its stored up and increases at the next derby.

  6. I dont think that he is better than Reina - but I do think that he is a good keeper and has a really low level of confidence.


    i think thats spot on. and its a problem that he shares with a few others in the side. is this kind of thing, to some extent, a failure of management and training?

  7. i dont think weve got an outstanding individual in the team.


    neville has turned out well and i'd like to see him captain next season.


    bt has shown flashes of the form that made him an england player, but he hasnt really stamped any real authority in any game ive seen him in.


    maybe because he's not getting the service he needs to really shine?


    good to see carsley back. he's got guts and determination, both good qualities we need in midfield.


    i dont think davies has had enough games to settle in properly. he's got a lot more potential, but without match play we wont see it.



    nigel martyn has been our only outstanding player since rooney left, but i would guess he will quit at the end of the season.


    one of the things we lack is a player with real flair and quality who can turn a game around.

  8. what do we expect from the manager and the club?


    we are no longer relegation fodder and our position in the league is good considering the appalling start we had to the season.


    we have no chance of qualifying for europe new, we just have to finish as high as we can this season.


    what bothers me is that we don’t seem to have a side that looks like its going to win anything. I know we still need a goalie, a striker and another solid defender. especially if yobo goes, (he now says he isnt)!


    but we also need players who have the ability and the confidence to hold the ball and go past defenders.


    moyes has been with Everton since march 2002 and no-one can argue that up to a point he has done a good job. but by now he should have built a better squad than he has. as I said we are no longer relegation fodder but that in itself isnt good enough.


    we don’t seem to have a well coordinated team. they lack the kind of self confidence and individual flair that you need to win cups.


    his financial limitations haven’t been that severe since that dedicated life long Everton fan, wayne rooney left for more money.


    so, while we can applaud him for the progress he's made to date, its with the realisation, (which I have no doubt he and the board are aware of), that he doesn’t have forever to weld the side into a force to be reckoned with in the premier league.

  9. do you really think that Chang is a good sponsor or Carlsberg?


    yes i do. both are excellent.


    gambling is a problem tho. its been a source of corruption in sport, including football. rooneys gambling debts have recently come to the attention of the fa and even sven erikson has felt it necessary to speak to him about it.

  10. do we want to be owned by the russian mafia like chelsea, or america inc., like manu?


    theres a lot to be said for remaining a british club, even if your best players are foreigners.


    having said that marketing is now an essential skill for raising revenue and there is a lot we could and should be doing to raise our profile at home and overseas.


    the latter will only come when we can do a good job in europe, i expect that to be next season, not this one.


    so marketing should begin at home. it can include all kinds of activity, both market and community related.


    sponsorship is a little different. its important to have a respectable sponsor or else it will affect you marketing negatively. so its not just whoever comes up with the ready cash.


    i dont know who we have on the management side that deals with that kind of thing, maybe no-one, but it should be a priority.

  11. yes, it was boring and uninspiring to watch.


    both teams lacked any individual capable of turning the game around. and the lack of flair was obvious.


    possession was given away unnecessarily and neither side posed much of a threat to the other.


    thats the difference between the top clubs and the rest. :angry:




    on a brighter side we are no longer relegation fodder and our position in the league is good considering the appalling start we had to the season.


    we just have to finish as high as we can this season.


    what does bother me is that we don’t seem to have a side that looks like its going to win anything. I know we still need a goalie, a striker and another solid defender. especially if yobo goes, (he now says he isnt)!


    but we also need players who have the ability and the confidence to hold the ball and go past defenders.


    moyes has been with Everton since march 2002 and no-one can argue that up to a point he has done a good job. but by now he should have built a better squad than he has. as I said we are no longer relegation fodder but that in itself isnt good enough.


    we don’t seem to have a well coordinated team. they lack the kind of self confidence and individual flair that you need to win cups.


    his financial limitations haven’t been that severe since that dedicated life long Everton fan, wayne rooney left for more money.


    so, while we can applaud him for the progress he's made to date, its with the realisation, (which I have no doubt he and the board are aware of), that he doesn’t have forever to weld the side into a force to be reckoned with in the premier league.

  12. ...................P GD PTS

    1 Chelsea : 32 41 79

    2 Man Utd : 32 34 72

    3 Liverpool : 33 25 67

    4 Tottenham : 32 14 55

    5 Arsenal : 31 30 53

    6 Blackburn : 32 6 53

    7 Bolton : 30 9 48

    8 Wigan : 32 2 47

    9 West Ham :32 0 46

    10 Everton :32 - 12 44









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