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Posts posted by gy-blues

  1. Well i never saw that starting team coming!!!

    Slightly depressing how defensive we feel we have to play against QPR, worried about the dmission of Fellani, unless he's had a slight knock or something i find it very ominous, could we be clearing a bit of debt??

    We're going to hve about as much width as a samalian on a diet :-[

    Enough pessimism COYB

  2. im very happy that were not going further into debt and still bringing in quality players! how is going into debt a good tihng, especially id UEFA manage to bring in this proposed punishment for clubs spending beyond their means?


    Didn't really suggest going into debt my point was more that even with increased profits at the club this is never reflected by the size of our transfer kitty. I understand wages takes a large percentage of money from the clubs running but surely at the start of the season they couldn't have predicted finishing fifth a cup final and new deals with Chang and kitbag where is this increase in profit?


    If there is no profit from this then surely if we have apoor season and finish mid table the difference in tv money will leave us running at a loss.

  3. Got to stick up for captain a little on this topic, i do agree that we have progressed as a team under Kenwright but surely this is mainly down to Moyes not Kenwright. Think we do a good job of getting top dollar for any player leaving Goodison which maybe Kenwright could have some plaudits for.


    We are safely run and the future of out great club is not put in jeopordy by lavish spending...but surely a net outlay of ZERO pounds over the last two summers is a little worrying to people? I am not expecting ridicoulous spending but after two seasons of great performances and greatly increased income a little should come back into the transfer kitty...shouldn't it?


    Any way, onto more important matters. I just hope we don't get Either of the Spanish teams mentioned above or Roma. I think we'd get embarrassed in a similar fashion to the way we did the last time we played Villareal.



    Should've knocked villareal out but for a bald alien referee, Surely not embarrassed! Fancy dinamo myself piece of cake no potential for embarressment there!!! :blink:

  5. you got to be kidding?

    do we have a striker of the same quality as drogba, anelka, rooney, berbatov, torres, adebayor (till he goes) or van persie?

    we dont have a midfield that can touch any of theirs, we have a good defence, but only three players up to the task.


    Got to add in the Everton factor though! There's no doubt, were not as good on paper man to man and never will be, just too skint!


    But a team can be far greater than the sum of its parts [or far worse as Newcastle and Tottenham prove consistently each season]. So i say keep the faith, last season we had barely any players and key players injured, few good signings this year particularly the right hand side and maybe just maybe!


    Besides we are all Everton fans half the fun is hoping and praying for the unlikely.

  6. Wow loads of negativity on here around the club being everton Where's your optimism fella's. I know we've had years of one disappointment after another but things are on the change! No longer will Evertonians have to have a mindset of fear the worse. New Arab owners, honary chairman, Kenweight still in place on the board and plenty of cash. The good times are coming.. I'm willing to think positive, screw the disappointment. If we all wish and pray together for the next few days, the power of the greatest fans in the world will bring it too fruition :)


    Notice a bid for Defour, been all over the news today and from the players mouth. Starting to splash the cash. Believe.

  7. Problem is if we are skint and if people offer silly money can we really justify turning it down? don't get me wrong love Arteta and don't want Everton to get a reputation as a selling club. BUT 25mil we could buy three quality players for that money and probably three players who have been proven in the premiership. Wish we had cash but incase anyone else didn't notice we effectively spent nothing on transfers last year, other than money that came in from selling players. If you can turn £2.5 mil into £25mil and have him play for several years in the process can't be bad buisness.

    I believe we also have to try and constantly sell players at the right age, when there still worth money and reinvest in young players [not saying Arteta is an old man but heading towards 30]. Its painful to have to let players who have been great servants to the club go but better to replace them before they have no value left. For this reason i would be far more tempted if we got a big offer for Cahill this year [we also have a replacement in Fellaini]

  8. For me we either need an out and out right side winger or a right sided midfielder and a quality attacking right full back. Think Moyes likes to play with three central ish midfielders in front of neville that can interchange, this creates lots of room wide for the full backs to attack into. Unfortunately we have the attacking flair and deadly right foot of Hibbert breaking into wide positions.


    Think we have looked fairly strong down the left this year, and pieneer and Baines link up really well, wouldn't be one of the spots i would be looking to reinforce. What we need is Kanchelskis back to play there :lol:

  9. Have to disagree with you tbh. They may have looked poor this season but it has been without most of there best players. With Fabregas, Adebayor, Rosiky getting back and the addition of Arshavin they will be a force again. With Arteta back we will be better than we are now, but for Arsenal when they have all those players they will be a hell of a lot better than us, even with Arteta.


    Totally agree, that list forgets to metion Walcott! Bloody young side too. Things are great with everton but we need a few more players yet before we can think of champions league.

  10. If we had to sell anyone it'd have to be Cahill for me!

    Great player and fantastic servant to the club, but he's getting on in years now and we could bring a tidy sum into the club from selling him. Think that money could be better used getting us a defensive central midfielder and an out and out winger with some pace.

    Cahill and Fellaini are too similar for me to both play in the midfield and if we don't cash in now on cahill his value will decrease rapidly over the next few years. Biggest worry would be that he is really good mates with Arteta and wouldn't want to lose him.

  11. Gosling for me also. He may not have been the best player on the pitch but his was most certainly the most notable contribution of the day. Everyone else performed well but that should be expected :) .




    A 1-0 win at Boro? We'll be lucky to get thirty seconds <_< .


    Thank god for the iternet and streaming footy, always get fuck all on match of the day.


    Solid performances all round, gotta vote for Arteta, noticed we've started actually playing some football since Moyes has pushed him into the middle. Bossed the middle passing and won a surprising amount of ball again, probably an unpopular shout but thought Neville was very solid, kept it simple.


    Keep the injuries coming, seems to make us better and better!!!



  12. Suprised everyone is so up for dropping the Yak. The best he played last season was in the 4-5-1 and feel he plays better when pieenar is in the team, as he actually gets the odd ball to his feet.

    As for playing saha...did anyone else think he was [barring lescott]the worst player on the pitch. Didn't just do nothing he consistently gave the ball to Man Utd players all afternoon. Thought he was either colour blind or was still on MAN U's payroll.

    Anyway whoever plays i'' be cheering them on. COYB

  13. I've read that there has been interest in buying Everton but Kenwright wants around eight times what he paid in 1999.


    Yeah sounds about right to me. On the rich list i believe everton were quoted as being worth at least a few hundred million. If Kenwright was such a true blue he would lower his sale price and be happy to take his money back or small profit. People talk all the time about Kenwright being skint but he has pretty much increased his money ten fold in the shares he bought in everton, sold everthing we own and not put one dime back in! A TRUE BLUE!!!!!!!!

  14. I agree with that, I think Moyes has plenty of gas left in him, the problem is in my opinion, those behind the scenes are the ones holding him back; the people who bring the money in.


    To be fair to BK the club was in a dire financial position when he took over, and since then we have taken leaps forward in the way we are run. He is a passionate blue and a new rich less blue blooded benefactor might be in the 'Johnson vein....better the devil you know?


    Last season we spent a very reasonable amount in the transfer market, over 20mil, and bought well. With continued investment like that or better and are ginger haired magician at the helm i see no reason we can't go further [ever the optimist :) ]

  15. Manny is quality! Compare him to Neville and see who has a better touch, vision or movement. We have not seen the best from him yet as hes not fully match fit. I would use Manny in for Carsley if all were fit in a 5 man mid.


    We all know neville is not a midfielder, best as a defender [moyes only plays him there due to a shortage in midfield players when injuries or suspensions make it needed]. To compare him with neville is just wrong like comparing Pele to Bobby Moore. Believe manny has better touch vision and movement than yobo too but not going to play him centre back!!!


    Can't see Moyes playing without a defensive midfielder to protect the back four, which is undeniably good at the moment, but this may be in part due to the unseen and unsung work that carsley does in the space infront of the back four. Would not want Fernandes doing this job as i feel his positional sense can be poor[imo]. Carsley definately a player to be replaced in the summer but still does a valuable job for us i think. Cahill for me is only really at his best when we play five in midfield.


    My main gripe with Fernandes is, although when he has the ball he can do great things, he doesn't seem to want it enough for me, always find myself screaming ""get back you lazy bastard" when he is on the pitch, as he casually jogs back after giving away possesion. Goes missing a hell of a lot for a player rated at 12 million. I reckon Valencia have realised many of these things in the short time they had him.

  16. Is it only me who feels fernandes is vastly overated!, 12 million for a midfielder who lacks comittment is neither a box to box player, defensive midfielder or attacking midfielder to me would be a vast waste of funds. Had my doubts about him at the end of last year and since he has returned he has only assured me that those doubts are correct. Controversial i know but when all our midfield is fit i would not play him at the moment, i would return to the five man midfield that did so well for us before with osman in the middle.


    Would like to hear other peoples thoughts on this.

  17. I am one of the dying breed,


    An everton supporter, not of liverpool home, merely attracted to the quality and essence that makes everton the only great club to support. Coming from the Kendall days, being brought up on the class that was Sheedy's left foot and tackles that would make you shudder from the likes of Reid.


    Not from Merseyside, but through the pain and the joy with all my brothers, the slide into relegation candidates, the escape from the jaws of despair [thank god for Hans Segers!],

    The constant change and decline, now stability, continuity, and even. . . . . decent football!


    Yet... still i read these sites, and in a time of joyous fortunes and situations to celebrate, i turn on my computer and look for fellow blues, men of great taste, regal and princely blood. What do i find but negativity, questions such as can Moye's take us further!!!!!!!!


    I rarely type but always read and in this time i request of all my brothers the chosen ones, cast aside the doubt and join as one!




    Drunk and very happy GY-BLUES!

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