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Posts posted by gy-blues

  1. Lescott must be the most underated centre back in English football at the moment. Dawson or Lescott, no choice for me!


    Does anyone know the FA rules on immagration? After watching Lescott all season have started to wonder how we have got away with playing a klingon! Has anyone else noticed the unkanny resemblence of Lescott and Wharf from star trek next generation?


    Tried to post two pictures but am too computer illiterate to achieve this task.

  2. Not much of a topic of discussion more of a tribute. Live far away from Goodison and often my experiance of the matches is based on the "unbiased match commentary" of Barry Horne on Toffeetv. Would just like to ask your opinion on this guy. Putting him up for honary Everton legend, scored one of the most important and memorable goals ever [wimbledon] and week in week out gives the most biased and blue commentary on matches possible. A true blue and legend?


    Presume you've all listened to him on Toffeetv, has me in bits week in week out, reckon he could have second calling as a funny man! Lets start a petition to Sky, Andy Gray out! Barry Horne in! No more kissing Man united arse praise were it truly belongs, "The peoples club" Come on you Blues!

  3. I agree, have no problems with moyes but did we not play shit until the referee had the excellent decision to remove Kilbane from our team!


    Surely we should play better with eleven men, than with ten without Kilbane!


    There may come a time that we pay for the loyalties that moyes shows for shit second rate championship players ala Kilbane and Weir


    Ps Don't want to sound negative to Moyes as i think he is the best thing to happen to Everton for years.

  4. <_< Can't fault his effort and work rate, understand Moye's perspective that every player has to have the right attitude and commitment, but surely if your shit and unable to perform then sometimes common sense has to prevail. If your pants and we all know he is, you have to drop the guy!


    I personally have been praying for a broken leg, spine or some kind of horrific accident [maybe a little harsh]but maybe that is the only way out for us Evertonians.


    Moyes is a great manager but loyalty and perseverance should only go so far!

  5. :o god help us all, don't want to be negative at this time of great joy and optimism, but, KEVIN KILBAN it may be our downfall. We have potentially great players like Van der Meyde and Lescott yet Moyes [god bless his soul] insists on playing championship shite like Kilbane and Weir. Understand team moral, all for one and one for all etc but surely a blind man and his dog can see that kilbane is in fact a bag of shit!


    Only hoping like all you fellow evertonians that the People {newspaper} is correct and fulham will again fund us with valuable monies for shit players ala {radsinki}. As much as i am 100% a moyes fan sometimes his team selection leaves me a little dumfounded.


    Please comment and give your valuable opinions, fellow evertonians, brothers, friends, and loyal companions!


    Once a blue always a blue, turn to a red, like grannys in bed!



  6. Id like him here, but hes 29 so we wouldnt get that much out of him


    I believe he is only 26, so ideal age really, just the age that moyes seems to like buying! Would be a quality signing [i was also under the illusion he was left footed player with skill which we badly miss]


    Could play in the middle or wide and actually create and keep the ball, which i feel was one of our weaknesses last year. Would settle for him and Lescott, in my eyes that would have been a perfect pre season! [presuming England win the world cup!] :D

  7. He might be fat but he always seems to do the business in the world cup




    <_< Like he did against France in the final? He was utter shit went to pieces under pressure. Fat, shite, a shadow of his former self and vastly over rated!


    I know we are all Everton and England supporters and have been dissapointed and let down on so many occasions it is painful to recall, but come on look at our squad, were playing in Europe, Rooney will play, this is not a time for pessimism


    Who will win the world cup? We should all be shouting as one



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